2D Rotated Gaussian Fit

Function will fit a 2D gaussian function. It will also find the rotation angle for the 2D gaussian.
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更新时间 2012/12/12


Matlab's Surface fitting does not (yet) include fairly standard defined surfaces. The present contribution is a simple implementation of the surface fit to the problem of fitting a 2D gaussian to an observed object in an image. Keep the image size small in order not to suffocate the fitting routine.

Gauss2DRotFit requires an input in the form of a 2D intensity image of the 2D gaussian. It also accepts as a second input an structure defining the lower, upper bounds as well as a best guess of the 7 fit parameters. The structure has 3 fields: 'Lower','StartingPoint' and 'Upper'. A title string may be provided as a third input parameter.


Steffen B. Petersen (2025). 2D Rotated Gaussian Fit (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/39448-2d-rotated-gaussian-fit), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

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