fractal Image compression using Quadtree decomposition and huffman coding

版本 (55.0 KB) 作者: Arun Kumar
Quadtree decomposition and Huffman techniques can be applied for achieving high compression ratio
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更新时间 2014/6/6


Image storage and transmission have created an increasing importance for the compression
techniques. The redundancy and similarity among different regions of images makes compression
feasible. In such cases Fractal compression of images is an efficient method of compression Fractal image compression can be obtained by dividing the original grey level image into unoverlapped blocks depending on a threshold value and the well known techniques of Quadtree decomposition.


Arun Kumar (2024). fractal Image compression using Quadtree decomposition and huffman coding (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R2013a
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fractal image compression using Quadtree decomposition and huffman coding/

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