Electron Beam Measurement Using Deblurring (deconvolution)

APWD_V5 corrects the electron beam measurements suffering from linear motion blur.
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更新时间 2016/11/27


APWD_V5 corrects the electron beam measurements (EB) suffering from linear motion blur and provides universal measurements that are probe independent (ref). This is done by 4 different deblurring methods. Richardson-Lucy, Wiener inverse filter and two other methods. Linear motion blur is intrinsic part of EB measurement where beam or probe are moving in respect to one another.
To run the code, use APWD_V5, make sure all the other functions are in the same path, a sample beam measurement is attached, with it's measurement details note in sample1.txt, use these parameters to process the sample1.mat. Needless to say, for your samples you need to change the parameters accordingly. For further info you can use the provided reference.

Make sure your data is structured correctly (signaldata.val) this can be found from sample1.mat. The measurements need to be of negative polarity, adjust them accordingly. Some of the parameters used in the code are for beam pattern correction which is not included in this code, they are not used in this version and can be ignored.

(ref). Unsupervised spatial-resolution enhancement of electron beam measurement using deconvolution, Vacuum, 2015. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0042207X15301159


Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh (2025). Electron Beam Measurement Using Deblurring (deconvolution) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/60414-electron-beam-measurement-using-deblurring-deconvolution), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2012b
Windows macOS Linux

启发作品: Pulse data segmentation

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