Spectral Curvefitting of Dielectric Constants

版本 1.1 (130.4 KB) 作者: Mahmut Ruzi
codes that fits dielectric constants to CDHO, Voigt, Fourier series,and Triangular bases function
283.0 次下载
更新时间 2019/7/27


This is a collection of codes that fits dielectric constants to Classical Damped Harmonic Oscillator (CDHO) , Voigt, Fourier series,and Triangular bases functions. For details, see: Spectral curve fitting of dielectric constants, AIP Advances 7, 015042 (2017);
These codes maybe useful for optical constants (refractive indices, dielectric constant, etc) extraction from absorbance/reflectance spectra measured in limited spectral range.
The Voigt fitting requires the Voigt/complex error function (File ID: #47801) of Sanjar Abraro, which is downloadable from File exchange.
The main file is curveift_test.m, which takes a sample data and fits to different curves.
If you find it useful, please cite: M. Ruzi, C. Ennis, and E. G. Robertson,Spectral curve fitting of dielectric constants,AIP Advances 7, 015042 (2017).


Mahmut Ruzi (2024). Spectral Curvefitting of Dielectric Constants (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/61550-spectral-curvefitting-of-dielectric-constants), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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