read_dxf -- read in an ASCII dxf file

版本 (101.9 KB) 作者: Steven Michael
read_dxf will load an ASCII dxf file into MATLAB.
7.7K 次下载
更新时间 2005/9/19


Note: this project has been made obsolete. See the "model3d" project also on the file exchange for a more comprehensive 3D import package.

read_dxf loads facet information from an ASCII DXF file into MATLAB. It does not currently load color or texture information.

dxf = read_dxf('dxf_filename');

The output is a Nx3x3 variable. The first index, N, references the facet number. The second index references the three vertices of each facet. The final index is the (x,y,z) location of the vertex.

I have also included a function "surfdxf" as an example of displaying the file.

The code uses a C++ class for DXF processing and is a compiled MATLAB function. The source and executables for Windows and Linux are included. For other platforms, the Makefile can be easily modified. I've also included the MS Visual Studio solution for compiling in Windows.


Steven Michael (2024). read_dxf -- read in an ASCII dxf file (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R14SP1
Windows macOS Linux
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