Xfigure - Interactive 3D viewer

interactive 3D viewer for Matlab meshes/3D scatterplots and graphs built with unity3d
81.0 次下载
更新时间 2020/9/3

Please see the GitHub readme file for general instructions how to use the functions and app in this collection.

also see demo_Xfigure.m

The functions in this collection can be used to add FV mesh structs, 3D scatterplots and 2D xy plot data to a a cell array called xFigureObject. xFigureObject can then be viewd in an external interactive 3D viewer app (creatively called "MatlabViewer"), which is released with this collection.

The goal of this app + functions is to make it easier/faster to explore 3D meshes. The app, which was built using the game design platform Unity3D, allows the user to navigate around the exported meshes faster and with higher quality surface rendering than is generally possible using matlab figures (especially for larger meshes), using the Unity Game engine. Meshes can be rendered with a single, solid colour or using values of a surface function (+colormap) to define vertex colors (similar to 'facevertexcdata'). A set of multiple surface functions/vertex colors can be defined for a mesh. A slider in the app can be used to rapidly switch between veertexcolor datasets to explore different surface data on the same mesh in 3D.

In addition to meshes the app can display 3D scatter-plots (as spheres of user defined size and color). 2D xy plots can be displayed in an inset window

At the moment the Unity built Matlabviewer and the export functions are still somewhat experimental and under development. I bulilt them for specific use cases in an ongoing project and even though I tried to generalize them where I could, they may therefore not be well suited for some other tasks. Since this is still very much a work in progress I woud appreciate any feedback you might have (by email or as comments). If this viewer proves useful to other users I would be happy to keep improving and extending it to include other needed capabilities.

I tested the current version on MacOS 10.14 with Matlab 2019b and it runs smoothly. I tried to build it so it should also run on Linux and Windows, but have not been able to test it yet. Feedback on OS related issues/bugs would be appreciated.


J. Benjamin Kacerovsky (2024). Xfigure - Interactive 3D viewer (https://github.com/JBKacerovsky/MatlabViewer/releases/tag/v1.0.0), GitHub. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2019b
Windows macOS Linux
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