
版本 1.0.0 (1.0 MB) 作者: Abhishek GS
Design a Path Follower with a DJI® N3 Autopilot and NVIDIA® Jetson Nano using DJI Onboard ROS SDK
220.0 次下载
更新时间 2020/10/27

This example shows how to use UAV Toolbox and ROS Toolbox to design a waypoint follower for a quadcopter that uses DJI N3 Autopilot. This example uses DJI Onboard SDK which provides a ROS wrapper that is used to interface with the ROS Toolbox. In this example, you will learn how to:

1. Configure a Simulink model which defines a quadcopter mission of a DJI N3 Flight Controller by using a set of waypoints, by using UAV Toolbox and ROS Toolbox
2. Start DJI Onboard ROS SDK on a Compute board
3. Set up the required custom messages using ROS Toolbox on the host computer
4. Simulate and deploy the Simulink model on the Compute board

Download and follow the steps mentioned in Setup Document.docx to set up the Host computer and your compute board.

After the above setup is done open the live script DJIROSWayPointFollowerExample.mlx from MATLAB and follow the steps.


Abhishek GS (2024). DJI-ROS-Simulink (, GitHub. 检索时间: .

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