Model predictive control of a two-link robot arm

版本 1.0.0 (23.2 KB) 作者: Shayan Sepahvand
An approach for a model predictive control dynamics of a two-link manipulator robot.
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更新时间 2021/9/23


A new approach for a model predictive control dynamics of a two-link manipulator robot. This technique consists of linearizing a nonlinear dynamic model of the robot by using a feedback linearization control. The cited paper below is emplyed to develope this simulation. Results can be verified by checking this paper.
1) Just run the simulink file.


Shayan Sepahvand (2024). Model predictive control of a two-link robot arm (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

Guechi, El-Hadi, et al. “Model Predictive Control of a Two-Link Robot Arm.” 2018 International Conference on Advanced Systems and Electric Technologies (IC_ASET), IEEE, 2018, doi:10.1109/aset.2018.8379891.

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