Recognize Objects Using HSV Values from Real-Time Video Data

版本 2021.1.0.0 (156.2 KB) 作者: sahq_azhar
The programs are designed to recognize objects using HSV values from real-time video data.
197.0 次下载
更新时间 2021/9/27

Image Processing Using MATLAB

This repository contains image processing code. The codes are designed to recognise objects using HSV values from real-time video data.

View MATLAB-Image Processing on File Exchange


The GUI is created using Guide. The code is rather outdated. However, I am still publishing this for future reference and developments. I accomplished this in 2017-2018, and there have been many improvements and optimizations since then. The new approach is updated in the 2021 folder.



These functions are slow and time-consuming; any alternative would be greatly appreciated.

Issue #1

Slider Callback Function for saving in jumma.m

The following code retrieves values from the GUI Slider and passes them to the corresponding HSV values in the link.m file.
save function saves the value of the slider in a .txt file that can be called in the other .m file

%h1 = get(hObject,'Value')
% print h1
save ('h1.txt','h1','-ascii')

Load in link.m

This takes the value from the.txt file into the appropriate variable.



This is an improvement over the previous version, that used guide to generate the gui and the remaining processing functions were executed in a separate .m file. It took a long time and was out of date. This method makes use of app designer to create a matlab app, and there is no need for another .m file to process and display the image.


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sahq_azhar (2024). Recognize Objects Using HSV Values from Real-Time Video Data (, GitHub. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2020a
Windows macOS Linux
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2017/1_Getting HSV values from slider-GUI

2017/2_Detecting object in real-time

版本 已发布 发行说明

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