Programming Languages:
Python, C++, C, Java, Javascript, R, MATLAB, CSS, Arduino
Spoken Languages:
English, Spanish
Professional Interests:
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Embedded Systems
Python, C++, C, Java, Javascript, R, MATLAB, CSS, Arduino
Spoken Languages:
English, Spanish
Professional Interests:
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Embedded Systems
nested loop shows only the result of last iteration
Index W_T T=10 W_T=zeros(T,T-1); for n=0:T-1 W_t=(1+r*(1-tau)).^(-(T-n)).*C_0*epsilon.^T.*K^(1/gamma); for m=n+1...
nested loop shows only the result of last iteration
Index W_T T=10 W_T=zeros(T,T-1); for n=0:T-1 W_t=(1+r*(1-tau)).^(-(T-n)).*C_0*epsilon.^T.*K^(1/gamma); for m=n+1...
1 year 前 | 1
I want to add third loop for n variable in mentioned code having n= 3.7 4.9 5.7 8.9 but code is giving lines for n=3.7 only why?
The values of n are not affecting Sk; therefore, the graphs are plotting over the top of each other and only 5 graphs are displa...
I want to add third loop for n variable in mentioned code having n= 3.7 4.9 5.7 8.9 but code is giving lines for n=3.7 only why?
The values of n are not affecting Sk; therefore, the graphs are plotting over the top of each other and only 5 graphs are displa...
1 year 前 | 0
Why does my code take so long to run?
You can use this code, but you will have to still split up f and h to have enough memory. Based on your ranges, the highest scor...
Why does my code take so long to run?
You can use this code, but you will have to still split up f and h to have enough memory. Based on your ranges, the highest scor...
1 year 前 | 0
I need help graphing these simple functions. I keep getting a blank graph
Need a few more dots. r=linspace(0,100,101); v=(r./(r+100))*10; p=(v.*(r).^2)./r; grid plot(r,p);
I need help graphing these simple functions. I keep getting a blank graph
Need a few more dots. r=linspace(0,100,101); v=(r./(r+100))*10; p=(v.*(r).^2)./r; grid plot(r,p);
1 year 前 | 0
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How to convert lat lon to utm data and plot it in 10x10m^2 grid map.
% Step 1: Load Data from Excel data = readmatrix('subtowersutm.xlsx'); % readmatrix instead of readtable
How to convert lat lon to utm data and plot it in 10x10m^2 grid map.
% Step 1: Load Data from Excel data = readmatrix('subtowersutm.xlsx'); % readmatrix instead of readtable
1 year 前 | 0
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Plotting solutions with symbolic variables
h=10;P=100;Ac=5;Lc=17;aff=19;Tw=7;Ta=5;Li=11;%have no idea what your constants are syms Tsp1 km; xb = (h * P)/ (km * Ac); mb ...
Plotting solutions with symbolic variables
h=10;P=100;Ac=5;Lc=17;aff=19;Tw=7;Ta=5;Li=11;%have no idea what your constants are syms Tsp1 km; xb = (h * P)/ (km * Ac); mb ...
1 year 前 | 1
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Trying to shade the area between upper and lower confidence bands on Kaplan Meier Curve
A=readmatrix('data table.csv','Range','A13:D408'); timeDays=A(:,1)';probability=A(:,2)';Lower=A(:,3)';Upper=A(:,4)'; plot(time...
Trying to shade the area between upper and lower confidence bands on Kaplan Meier Curve
A=readmatrix('data table.csv','Range','A13:D408'); timeDays=A(:,1)';probability=A(:,2)';Lower=A(:,3)';Upper=A(:,4)'; plot(time...
1 year 前 | 0
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seach string in arraycell and find idx
C = {'A',31; 'B',5; 'C',3}; idx = find(ismember(C(:,1),{'A'}))
seach string in arraycell and find idx
C = {'A',31; 'B',5; 'C',3}; idx = find(ismember(C(:,1),{'A'}))
1 year 前 | 1
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transform exponential number to decimal
M1 = importdata("M1.mat"); A = compose('%d (%3.2f%%)', [M1(:,1), M1(:,2)])
transform exponential number to decimal
M1 = importdata("M1.mat"); A = compose('%d (%3.2f%%)', [M1(:,1), M1(:,2)])
1 year 前 | 0
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Catenary at different height between 2 fixed points ?
maximum a is minimum y. And the minimum cable length can be found using: a=2;H=10; minL=2*a*sinh(H/2/a) Use cable length > mi...
Catenary at different height between 2 fixed points ?
maximum a is minimum y. And the minimum cable length can be found using: a=2;H=10; minL=2*a*sinh(H/2/a) Use cable length > mi...
1 year 前 | 0
Can you help me create a function according to mathematical formula?
A=randi(128,1,20) for k=1:3 B=sum(A)/numel(A); idx=A<B; g{k}=A(idx); A(idx)=[]; end g{4}=A; g
Can you help me create a function according to mathematical formula?
A=randi(128,1,20) for k=1:3 B=sum(A)/numel(A); idx=A<B; g{k}=A(idx); A(idx)=[]; end g{4}=A; g
1 year 前 | 0
how to speed ...i need very fast code
q=6062; matrix=matri(1:q,:); c=size(matrix,2); COR=zeros(c); a=matrix; for yy=1:c b=matrix(:,yy); COR(yy,:)=round(s...
how to speed ...i need very fast code
q=6062; matrix=matri(1:q,:); c=size(matrix,2); COR=zeros(c); a=matrix; for yy=1:c b=matrix(:,yy); COR(yy,:)=round(s...
1 year 前 | 0
Plot multiple variables from table with different x axes
figure;hold on; for i=1:10 stairs(eval(sprintf('Map1.Distance_%1d',i)),eval(sprintf('Map1.Ca_%1d',i))); end
Plot multiple variables from table with different x axes
figure;hold on; for i=1:10 stairs(eval(sprintf('Map1.Distance_%1d',i)),eval(sprintf('Map1.Ca_%1d',i))); end
1 year 前 | 1
New line after fprintf in a for/ while loop
a=randi(100,1,100); for k=1:100 formatSpec = 'a is %2g\n'; if a(k)>90 fprintf(formatSpec,a(k)); end end
New line after fprintf in a for/ while loop
a=randi(100,1,100); for k=1:100 formatSpec = 'a is %2g\n'; if a(k)>90 fprintf(formatSpec,a(k)); end end
1 year 前 | 0
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how to make a loop with an if condition for a system of equations
z2 =[-0.17162382699849727786214078518756;-0.091002558325694825093302376780363;... -0.031615696698776074425432150707406;-0.0...
how to make a loop with an if condition for a system of equations
z2 =[-0.17162382699849727786214078518756;-0.091002558325694825093302376780363;... -0.031615696698776074425432150707406;-0.0...
1 year 前 | 0
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How to round numbers using the decimals as a probability?
A=10*rand(1,10) B=floor(A)+((A-floor(A))>rand(1,10))
How to round numbers using the decimals as a probability?
A=10*rand(1,10) B=floor(A)+((A-floor(A))>rand(1,10))
2 years 前 | 0
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Is there a function like movsum which simply gets the values in a given sliding window rather than summing them?
b=1:10; a=b; n=5;%window size for k=1:n-1 a=[a;circshift(b,-k)]; end a=a'; a=a(1:length(b)-n+1,:)
Is there a function like movsum which simply gets the values in a given sliding window rather than summing them?
b=1:10; a=b; n=5;%window size for k=1:n-1 a=[a;circshift(b,-k)]; end a=a'; a=a(1:length(b)-n+1,:)
2 years 前 | 0
Create Number and excluding
No need for loops. A=randi([5,15],1,100); A(A==9|A==13)=[]; A
Create Number and excluding
No need for loops. A=randi([5,15],1,100); A(A==9|A==13)=[]; A
2 years 前 | 0
Analysing PWM duty cycle of a signal
s=pwm>threshold;%pwm is your signal, threshold is when it is considered on or off d=diff(s); idx1=find(s,1); idx2=find(d==-1)...
Analysing PWM duty cycle of a signal
s=pwm>threshold;%pwm is your signal, threshold is when it is considered on or off d=diff(s); idx1=find(s,1); idx2=find(d==-1)...
2 years 前 | 0
Storing Data and working out an equation
Just index, no loop needed. Filtered_Gear_rpm=rand(40000,1);%sample data Filtered_NES_rpm=rand(40000,1);%sample data x=Filter...
Storing Data and working out an equation
Just index, no loop needed. Filtered_Gear_rpm=rand(40000,1);%sample data Filtered_NES_rpm=rand(40000,1);%sample data x=Filter...
2 years 前 | 0
solve non-linear equation
Use fzero eqn=@(z)exp(-z)+pho*exp(L-2*z)-G;%you could plot the function to find the approximate location of the root z=fzero(e...
solve non-linear equation
Use fzero eqn=@(z)exp(-z)+pho*exp(L-2*z)-G;%you could plot the function to find the approximate location of the root z=fzero(e...
2 years 前 | 0
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Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds
for i = 1:numel(uniq) Tyro1{i} = table2cell(REQtyr(ismember(resSeq,uniq(i)),["AtomName","X","Y","Z"])); Tyro{i} = tabl...
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds
for i = 1:numel(uniq) Tyro1{i} = table2cell(REQtyr(ismember(resSeq,uniq(i)),["AtomName","X","Y","Z"])); Tyro{i} = tabl...
2 years 前 | 0
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Error in for loop (issue with variable calling)
for i = 1:1 z1 = importdata("Xxsv0000"+num2str(i)+".txt"); Time{i} = z1.data(:,1); ...
Error in for loop (issue with variable calling)
for i = 1:1 z1 = importdata("Xxsv0000"+num2str(i)+".txt"); Time{i} = z1.data(:,1); ...
2 years 前 | 1
Find column number for every row in matrix
a=[ -1 4 1 1 -1 -1 -5 4 -1]; A=(a>0)'; [b,d]=find(A); [~,e]=unique(d); b(e)
Find column number for every row in matrix
a=[ -1 4 1 1 -1 -1 -5 4 -1]; A=(a>0)'; [b,d]=find(A); [~,e]=unique(d); b(e)
2 years 前 | 0
How do I crop a matrix within desired numerical limits?
M=[-2+16*rand(100,1),-17+9*rand(100,1),-3+5*rand(100,1)]; M(M(:,3)<-2|M(:,3)>1,:)=[]; M(M(:,2)<-16|M(:,2)>-9,:)=[]; M(M(:,1)<...
How do I crop a matrix within desired numerical limits?
M=[-2+16*rand(100,1),-17+9*rand(100,1),-3+5*rand(100,1)]; M(M(:,3)<-2|M(:,3)>1,:)=[]; M(M(:,2)<-16|M(:,2)>-9,:)=[]; M(M(:,1)<...
2 years 前 | 0
How to select vectors from a set of vectors
x=[1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0;1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0;0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1;0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1;0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0]; r=randi(8,1,500); y=x(:,r)
How to select vectors from a set of vectors
x=[1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0;1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0;0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1;0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1;0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0]; r=randi(8,1,500); y=x(:,r)
2 years 前 | 1
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I need to combine those three martix into a single big one. How do I do that?
I need to combine those three martix into a single big one. How do I do that?
2 years 前 | 0
Compare vector to two other vectors
m=randi(100,1,20); n=randi(100,1,30); k=randi(100,1,10000); [M,N]=meshgrid(m,n); x=min(M,N); z=zeros(size(x)); u=unique(x)...
Compare vector to two other vectors
m=randi(100,1,20); n=randi(100,1,30); k=randi(100,1,10000); [M,N]=meshgrid(m,n); x=min(M,N); z=zeros(size(x)); u=unique(x)...
2 years 前 | 0
Function might not be used error
[e,t,a]=CalcTip(100,3) [e,t,a]=CalcTip(100,4) [e,t,a]=CalcTip(100,5) [e,t,a]=CalcTip(100,2) function[error, tip, amoun...
Function might not be used error
[e,t,a]=CalcTip(100,3) [e,t,a]=CalcTip(100,4) [e,t,a]=CalcTip(100,5) [e,t,a]=CalcTip(100,2) function[error, tip, amoun...
2 years 前 | 0