William Truong
自 2019 起处于活动状态
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how do I change linewidth of line of best fit and of the confidence limits, when using 'predobs'
Use: h = plot(cfTestBEFORENoOutliers,'r-',XTestBEFORE,YTestBEFORE,'o',outliersTestBEFORE,'r*','predobs'); set(h,'LineWidth',8)...
how do I change linewidth of line of best fit and of the confidence limits, when using 'predobs'
Use: h = plot(cfTestBEFORENoOutliers,'r-',XTestBEFORE,YTestBEFORE,'o',outliersTestBEFORE,'r*','predobs'); set(h,'LineWidth',8)...
5 years 前 | 3