my question is can anyone improve my code to get the right answer?
It seems like to decide given year is whether or not a leap year. If you use the matlab 2016b, you can use the function 'leapyea...
my question is can anyone improve my code to get the right answer?
It seems like to decide given year is whether or not a leap year. If you use the matlab 2016b, you can use the function 'leapyea...
8 years 前 | 0
hi, I have array a = [5 4 0;3 1 0;5 7 0], how can I replace the value in third column (a(:,3)) with the values in column 1 (a(:,1)) when a(:,1) > a(:,2) . I need obtain [5 3,5] in the third column
I think the description of your question is not clear, a(:,1)>a(:,2) is a column vector not all true. Is this your judge conditi...
hi, I have array a = [5 4 0;3 1 0;5 7 0], how can I replace the value in third column (a(:,3)) with the values in column 1 (a(:,1)) when a(:,1) > a(:,2) . I need obtain [5 3,5] in the third column
I think the description of your question is not clear, a(:,1)>a(:,2) is a column vector not all true. Is this your judge conditi...
8 years 前 | 1
Fitting experimental data to find a function
You can try polyfit function or other curve fit function, i.e. nlinfit or lsqcurvefit,to find proper equation. you also use cft...
Fitting experimental data to find a function
You can try polyfit function or other curve fit function, i.e. nlinfit or lsqcurvefit,to find proper equation. you also use cft...
8 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Loop backwards and select subset of rows that meet criteria
if you want to use loop, it is showed below: tindex = find(A(:,1)==t); for j = tindex:-1:2 if(A(j,1)-A(j-1,1)==1)...
Loop backwards and select subset of rows that meet criteria
if you want to use loop, it is showed below: tindex = find(A(:,1)==t); for j = tindex:-1:2 if(A(j,1)-A(j-1,1)==1)...
8 years 前 | 1
| 已接受
Replace rows with NaN only if there are more than two continous zero values in the same column
First, you can find the column with continous zeros(more than two), then find the index for replacement with nan. for example:...
Replace rows with NaN only if there are more than two continous zero values in the same column
First, you can find the column with continous zeros(more than two), then find the index for replacement with nan. for example:...
8 years 前 | 0
Loop backwards and select subset of rows that meet criteria
you can solve it without loop, e.g B = find(diff(A(1:find(A(:,1)==t),1))~=1); result = A(B(end)+1:find(A(:,1)==t)-1,:);
Loop backwards and select subset of rows that meet criteria
you can solve it without loop, e.g B = find(diff(A(1:find(A(:,1)==t),1))~=1); result = A(B(end)+1:find(A(:,1)==t)-1,:);
8 years 前 | 0
Can't find AC or DC source on Simulink
You can't find it if you search it in simulink start page. You can open a blank simulink file, then you can open the simulink li...
Can't find AC or DC source on Simulink
You can't find it if you search it in simulink start page. You can open a blank simulink file, then you can open the simulink li...
8 years 前 | 0