How to configure Editor when working on class methods so that I can jump to implementation?
I'm not sure if I correctly interpret your question, but I think I noticed the following behavior. When I type instanceOfC...
How to configure Editor when working on class methods so that I can jump to implementation?
I'm not sure if I correctly interpret your question, but I think I noticed the following behavior. When I type instanceOfC...
4 years 前 | 0
how to select the second maximum value for an array.
One way would be to sort the array and take the value of the second to last value. [a,b] = sort(A); maximum = A(b(end-1)); Th...
how to select the second maximum value for an array.
One way would be to sort the array and take the value of the second to last value. [a,b] = sort(A); maximum = A(b(end-1)); Th...
5 years 前 | 0
Unable to read strings (I get NaN) in the excel file imported into Matlab
I have made an Excel file with a column containing numbers and strings. The result of importing depends on what data you tell...
Unable to read strings (I get NaN) in the excel file imported into Matlab
I have made an Excel file with a column containing numbers and strings. The result of importing depends on what data you tell...
5 years 前 | 0
"Quality" property of VideoWriter object doesn't do anything. How to get higher quality mp4 video?
A solution would be to write the video as uncompressed avi, and invoke ffmpeg to compress it to mp4. I've tested this code in...
"Quality" property of VideoWriter object doesn't do anything. How to get higher quality mp4 video?
A solution would be to write the video as uncompressed avi, and invoke ffmpeg to compress it to mp4. I've tested this code in...
5 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
how to exclude or skip numbers in a for loop
You should take a look at the function ismember skipNum = [3147,3148,9319,9320]; for i = 1:12951; if ~ismember(i,skipNum) ...
how to exclude or skip numbers in a for loop
You should take a look at the function ismember skipNum = [3147,3148,9319,9320]; for i = 1:12951; if ~ismember(i,skipNum) ...
5 years 前 | 2
| 已接受
Calling a function defined in a m-file from within appdesigner app, with the app object as function input
I'm using R2019b. I have created a GUI app using appdesigner and have written the function testFun in a m-file (testFun should ...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
How can I write different subscription font type of label?
You can achieve that by using a underscore _, following what you'd want subscripted. You can group something by placing it withi...
How can I write different subscription font type of label?
You can achieve that by using a underscore _, following what you'd want subscripted. You can group something by placing it withi...
5 years 前 | 1
| 已接受
How to run Matlab on WSL (Ubuntu 16.04)?
The folder you're referring to is within the bin folder. Probably the full path is: /usr/local/MATLAB/Rversionnumber/bin, in whi...
How to run Matlab on WSL (Ubuntu 16.04)?
The folder you're referring to is within the bin folder. Probably the full path is: /usr/local/MATLAB/Rversionnumber/bin, in whi...
5 years 前 | 0
Deployed application with/without command prompt, depending on input arguments
Hello, I am using R2019b to deploy an application. Intented behavior The application starts a GUI if it is called without inp...
5 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Hello guys can u help me to add vertical line on my probability density function, this is my code x=[-5:0.1:5]; a=normpdf(x,1,1); z=normpdf(x,3,2); plot(x,a,'b',x,z,'r') legend('normal signal','abnormal signal') ylabel('probability density function')
From release 2018b you could use the function xline
Hello guys can u help me to add vertical line on my probability density function, this is my code x=[-5:0.1:5]; a=normpdf(x,1,1); z=normpdf(x,3,2); plot(x,a,'b',x,z,'r') legend('normal signal','abnormal signal') ylabel('probability density function')
From release 2018b you could use the function xline
5 years 前 | 0
Euler's approximation for ODE
for i >= 0.05 This is not the correct way to define a for-loop. See the documentation for the correct syntax: https://mathwo...
Euler's approximation for ODE
for i >= 0.05 This is not the correct way to define a for-loop. See the documentation for the correct syntax: https://mathwo...
5 years 前 | 0
Remove legend items from Figure
You could do it based on the order of appearance of the plots. Assuming 'aa' is plot first, then 'bb' and then 'cc': figure; ...
Remove legend items from Figure
You could do it based on the order of appearance of the plots. Assuming 'aa' is plot first, then 'bb' and then 'cc': figure; ...
6 years 前 | 1
| 已接受
Efficiently setting lower axis limit
From the documentation of r2018b: 'Create a surface plot and show only y values greater than 0. Specify the minimum y-axis li...
Efficiently setting lower axis limit
From the documentation of r2018b: 'Create a surface plot and show only y values greater than 0. Specify the minimum y-axis li...
6 years 前 | 1
How do i create multiple plots in one diagram?
This parts reads the data, the 4 %d's suggests it are 4 doubles which are read: data=fscanf(s, ... '%d %d %d %d')...
How do i create multiple plots in one diagram?
This parts reads the data, the 4 %d's suggests it are 4 doubles which are read: data=fscanf(s, ... '%d %d %d %d')...
6 years 前 | 0