How can i let Matlab Recognize the javac.exe ?
Hello, I am trying to convert myM.m file to a java package, i used Matlab Builder JA , but it could not build the java package ...
12 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
spectral features extraction from eeg
you can do the same JOB easily with wavelet transformation look at wavelet toolbox and Wavelet - Decomposition Level ...
spectral features extraction from eeg
you can do the same JOB easily with wavelet transformation look at wavelet toolbox and Wavelet - Decomposition Level ...
12 years 前 | 0
EEG pre-processing steps
the Steps are correct but additional to the 4th one : GAMMA-Band must be extracted also ....
EEG pre-processing steps
the Steps are correct but additional to the 4th one : GAMMA-Band must be extracted also ....
12 years 前 | 0
Parallel Computing / Run Two Function Simultaneously
I have written a programm in matlab, which have three Functions : function F1() imURL = '
12 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 1
Parallel Computing
I have a GUI which contains 3 Compnents (Video-Win-Axes, Start-Button and Calc-Button). On the Video-Win-Axes my video Stream wi...
12 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
continuously video presentation while other processes are running
I have a GUI which contains 3 Compnents (Video-Win-Axes, Start-Button and Calc-Button). On the Video-Win-Axes my video Stream wi...
12 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Minimize and Maximize Figuers
i have written a matlab programm which displays a Live Video Stream from IP-Cam on a Figure(fig1) to detect Motions, while fi...
13 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Connect IP-Camera to Matlab
I am trying to access a Live Video Stream from an IP-Camera using Matlab 7.8.0(R2009), my IP-Camera is (Dinion IP - NWC-0495 fro...
13 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
brain computer interface
prabakaran, if you have the wavelet toolbox, i think this code will help you to extract the all-bands(alpha,beta,....), i will a...
brain computer interface
prabakaran, if you have the wavelet toolbox, i think this code will help you to extract the all-bands(alpha,beta,....), i will a...
13 years 前 | 1
Algorithm for comparing Hand drawn alphabets and digits with printed standard alphabets and digits.
The most effective method to do OCR is Neural Network, if you have the nn-toolbox you can find under the documentation-applicati...
Algorithm for comparing Hand drawn alphabets and digits with printed standard alphabets and digits.
The most effective method to do OCR is Neural Network, if you have the nn-toolbox you can find under the documentation-applicati...
13 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Needed FRequency analysis of an EEG signal
Onur i didn't see any Question in your Post, but i got that you like to extract the Band Frequancy from EEG-Data-Raw. At first t...
Needed FRequency analysis of an EEG signal
Onur i didn't see any Question in your Post, but i got that you like to extract the Band Frequancy from EEG-Data-Raw. At first t...
13 years 前 | 1
Reading the New Added Files in Folder
I have a Folder which contains many JPG-Files and continuously new JPG-Files are added in the same Folder. How can I read the ...
13 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
computing delta power of EEG signal
Hi Michael, I am going to answer the part of your question about the calculation of Delta-Power : at first you don't need to u...
computing delta power of EEG signal
Hi Michael, I am going to answer the part of your question about the calculation of Delta-Power : at first you don't need to u...
13 years 前 | 4
Connected Characters Segmentation
hi all, i am working on an ALPR System and i have finished the part of License-Plate-Detection and also i have finished the pa...
13 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Deployment Tool
Hi All, I am trying to build a Stand-Alone-Application with the Deployment-Tool, and I have an EXE-File whicht I have to package...
13 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Image Segmentation
Hi all, I am working on an OCR Project and trying to detect the area in a Gray-Image in which the OCs localized, so i need to kn...
13 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Image Segmentation
Hi all, I am working on an OCR Project and trying to detect the area in a Gray-Image in which the OCs localized, so i need to k...
13 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Periodogram and Image Processing
Hello all, How can i calculate and extract the periodogram for a Gray-Image(MxN) and then plot it ?
13 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0