fzero in a for loop to solve for two variables
Hello, i have the following code below and i want two vector for A(1) and A(2) for each iteration of X using fzero in a for loop...
2 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
How to fit two sets of x,y data with different functions but same parameters using fminsearch?
The code i have is as follows: It resolves the four parameters for the first set of data, but not for the second set of data. D...
2 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Calling a custom function in fittype()
Does anyone know if one can define a custom function and then use fittype() with the custom function rather than the custom equa...
2 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Fitting constants of a matrix to experimental data
Hello, I am dealing with matrices where the initial matrix is [lam1, 0, 0; 0, lam2, 0; 0, 0, lam3] The function is as follows: ...
2 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0