Happy Valentines! Caption This GIF
Mike is spreading some MATLAB Valentines joy over on the MATLAB Blog. Here is MathWorker Jonathan Gale's ode to the Mapping...
26 days 前

The New MathWorks Merch Shop
Hey, you know what's fun? Laptop stickers are fun. I'm not sure why, but laptop stickers have a jaunty, upbeat spirit that...
4 months 前

Community Q&A – Jenny Bosten
Jenny Bosten is a Mini Hack rock star. The name "Mini Hack" refers to our MATLAB competitions, of which there have been...
4 months 前

The Next Contest: Short Movies!
If you visit the Community Contests page, you'll see there have been three different "Mini Hack" contests. These are games...
6 months 前

Community Q&A – Tim Marston
Tim Marston is the 1st-prize winner of 2023 MATLAB Mini Hack contest. His contest entries not only showcase his MATLAB...
6 months 前

Inspiring Connections during the “Women at MathWorks” Breakfast Mixer
This is a guest post to celebrate International Women in Engineering Day on June 23rd. Written by Alexandra Martinez...
9 months 前

Community Q&A – Zhaoxu Liu
Zhaoxu Liu / slandarer is a winner of the 2023 MATLAB Mini Hack contest and an active contributor to the File Exchange and...
10 months 前

Easy Toolbox Initialization with (retired!) Steve Eddins
My erstwhile colleague Steve Eddins recently retired from MathWorks after a long and illustrious career. And once he was...
11 months 前

Newton’s Method Fractals
Recently I've seen a number of fractal images created with Newton's method. For instance, Daniel Pereira had two...
1 year 前

🚀 The MATLAB AI Chat Playground Has Launched
The MATLAB AI Chat Playground is ready for you to experiment with Generative AI, answer questions, and write initial draft...
1 year 前

Contest Animations with INTERP1
Today we're launching a new contest here on MATLAB Central: the MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack. Why flipbook? It's an animation...
1 year 前

Head-to-Head Voting: Which Solution Is the Best Solution?
I like to play Cody because I always learn something. After I've solved a problem, I spend a little time with the Solution...
1 year 前

Continued Fractions and Computations
Today's guest article is by Wesley Hamilton, a STEM Outreach engineer here at MathWorks. See his earlier piece on solving...
1 year 前

What Is a Toolbox? New Guidelines for Authors
The File Exchange provides access to more than 46,000 free MATLAB projects. For 33,854 of these projects, the authors...
1 year 前

Nine Insights from My Conversation with Heather Gorr, Senior MATLAB Product Manager
Today's guest article is by Hans Scharler. Live Interview on Discord Recently, I had the privilege of engaging in a...
2 years 前

Solving Sudoku with MATLAB
Today's guest article is by Wesley Hamilton, a STEM Outreach engineer here at MathWorks. Wesley's roles involve...
2 years 前

An Algorithmic Spelling Bee
Earlier this year I wrote about solving word ladders with MATLAB. There was a lot of interest in that post, so I thought...
2 years 前

Celebrate pi day with a pi patch
Today's guest article is by Adam Danz whose name you might recognize from the MATLAB Central community. Adam is a...
2 years 前

Taking the Hassle Out of Testing
This cartoon sums up my feelings about testing. Testing is great. When you have working tests, you feel clean and warm. The...
2 years 前

Acquiring and Analyzing Sensor Data with MATLAB Mobile and MATLAB Online
MATLAB Mobile allows you to collect information from your device sensors and perform cool experiments with the acquired...
2 years 前

MATLAB is good at math, of course, but it can also let you have some fun with words. Go to the Gaming > Word Games...
2 years 前

Cookies & Code
Seasonal greetings of the Greater Solstice Metropolitan Area! As I write this, the solstitial sun sets on the shortest day...
2 years 前

Crepuscular Tidings
As the days get shorter and drearier here in New England, I get hungry for sunlight. This makes me somewhat obsessed with...
2 years 前

Cody Meets Cricket: Who’s Your Bunny?
Any cricketers out there? If you like cricket and coding in MATLAB (and who doesn't?), then allow me to direct your...
2 years 前

2022 Mini Hack Content Analysis
Today, once again, I am delighted to introduce guest blogger Dave Bulkin. You may remember that Dave blogged in this space...
2 years 前

Contests, Contests!
Here in New England, autumn is in full swing. The maple leaves are shifting into their best yellows and reds. On MATLAB...
2 years 前

New Features: How Do You Find the Good Stuff?
If I give you something but you never get the news, did I really give it to you? This happens all the time with MATLAB...
2 years 前

Home Made Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Listen in as Yuki Kamatani interviews a man who built his own MRI! Hi, I'm Yuki Kamatani, an application engineer in our...
2 years 前

Publishing to WordPress
This blog post began its life as a Live Script in MATLAB. I could have started typing into WordPress, but then I wouldn't...
3 years 前

Happy Valentines Day!
I found this lovely algorithmic heart in the comments of an old Walking Randomly post. Research software superstar Mike...
3 years 前