Berke Ogulcan Parlak
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Difference in sending data from Arduino and Matlab?
There is a code in the Arduino that transmits three values received respectively. I am sending these three values from Arduino i...
5 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Using the first value of a variable during simulation in Simulink
This block generates output only once during simulation (at the beginning of the simulation). And I want to use the output obtai...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Separating string element by two and creating a vector in Simulink
How do I convert the following string element into vector?
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Sending multiple data from GUI to Simulink using Arduino?
Hello, I have three edit text in my GUI. When I press a button, I want to send these three values entered in edit text as fo...
5 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Matlab GUI wait until button is pressed
I arrange the Demo of Image Analyst for my purpose. Thank you to everyone.
Matlab GUI wait until button is pressed
I arrange the Demo of Image Analyst for my purpose. Thank you to everyone.
5 years 前 | 0
Matlab GUI wait until button is pressed
Hello everyone, I am trying to simulate the four bar mechanism. There are two buttons: Start and Stop.The simulation will s...
5 years 前 | 3 个回答 | 0
Is it possible to make Acos return values greater than pi?
I know the a, b and c and x values. I want to find Theta value. I use the command 'acos' for this, but 'acos' returns a value ...
5 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Determining the phase shift from the samples of the sinusoidal wave?
Hello, I have two waves like A and B. (A represents the input of the system, B output.) What I know is the frequency and amp...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Finding the phase shift of the Sine wave from Workspace?
Hello, I collect the outputs by giving the system a sinusoidal input at different frequencies. By looking at the output and ...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Arduino Encoder Application with Simulink Problem
Hi, I'm using the Arduino Support Package for Simulink Toolbox. My goal is to make a counter that counts up when it rotates clo...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
I can't create State Space Full Feedback Control structure in Simulink
I determined the K vector by doing Pole Placement. A, B, C and D matrices are defined in Workspace.Here is the block diagram...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Symbolic vector problem in MATLAB
Hi, I'm using the 2016a version and syms doesn't work as a vector. I try: syms a [1 4] but I take "Not a valid variable name"...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Symsum and matrix usage error
I need to write this algorithm, but I get an error like this: This is my code: A=[2,4,5;6,7,8;10,12,4]; n = length(A); s...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Filling the area within the three lines with color
Thank you, but in the case of 90 <theta <270, I can't get results. (F.e. Theta = 100 deg)
Filling the area within the three lines with color
Thank you, but in the case of 90 <theta <270, I can't get results. (F.e. Theta = 100 deg)
5 years 前 | 0
Filling the area within the three lines with color
close all clear all clc a=2; %a link length b=5; %b link length P1=[0,0]; axis([-2,7,-2,3]); theta=pi/2; ...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0