MATLAB2020b/ROS interface - Unrecognized function or variable 'pythonPkgSrc'
Same issue on me end, both rosinit and rosgenmesg fail with Ubuntu 2020b on Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic installed. The follow...
MATLAB2020b/ROS interface - Unrecognized function or variable 'pythonPkgSrc'
Same issue on me end, both rosinit and rosgenmesg fail with Ubuntu 2020b on Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic installed. The follow...
4 years 前 | 0
matlab 2020b rosgenmsg can't find CMake?
Hello, I used rosgenmsg for ROS1 with Matlab 2020a on Ubuntu 18.04 and it worked fine. Now I'm trying the same command on Matl...
4 years 前 | 3 个回答 | 0
Using ROS 1 message generated by rosgemmsg: calling rosmsg or rosmessage before addpath breaks later calls?
I was able to create a custom message using rosgenmsg (Matlab 2020a). While testing I discovered something a bit odd from my pe...
4 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0