Can you change the entire color gradient of a word cloud?
Yeah you can specify the colour based on occurence of words while using the function wordcloud. Here is the link for the same. I...

3 years 前 | 0

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Recovering latent coordinates of an image in GAN
Hi Alexander, It is very interesting question. Although as far as I am aware of, there is no such example in MATLAB to demonstr...

3 years 前 | 0

Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits
You can directly use the load function to load the data in the workspace. I try loading it and able to properly load it in the w...

3 years 前 | 1

How to subsample a dataset per week
Hi, I am assuming you have the table t and then you want to know first sampled data of the week. As far as I know there is no f...

3 years 前 | 0

how to evaluate LSTM network
Hi Safwana, RMSE is generally the most typical loss function to use in regression problem and most of the time it gives optimal...

3 years 前 | 1

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Histogram and Normalized Histogram for an Image
Hi Wadee. Check out imread function for reading an image and imhist function to plot the image histogram. I am not sure if you ...

3 years 前 | 0

Help: I tried to predict one predictand with 7 predictors with LSTM but failed
Hi, You have to convert XTrain and YTrain into cell arrays and the feature dimension which you used as input in InputSequencela...

3 years 前 | 0

Use of Matlab's OCR to recognize Math Equation
Hi, OCR detection MATLAB uses is actually tesseract implementation and Math Equation as mentioned in tesseract official page is...

3 years 前 | 0

empty sym: 0-by-1 for Simultaneous equation
Hi Jacob, If the solve function returns empty object then there is no solution exist for the given set of equations. I suggest ...

3 years 前 | 0

How to solve a system of linear equations in a matrix (KX=W) where all values of W are known and some value's of X are known?
Hi Carmelo, There are many ways to attack this problem. Simplest way is to just ignore the known variables and solve the equati...

3 years 前 | 0

Injection noise to CNN through customized training loop
Hi Mahsa, There is no explicit layer for adding Gaussian noise to each layer in MATLAB. Although you can create one custom for ...

3 years 前 | 1

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Radius of blood vessels in 3D.
Hi Martyna, One suggestion I can give you is to find the volume of the blood vessel and approximate it to shape and find the ra...

3 years 前 | 0

How to prepare the datastore for point cloud classifications
Hi EMMANUELE, Currently lidar datastore can be formed in the same way other datastores are form through fileDatastore function,...

3 years 前 | 0

Euler angle from 3d points?
Hi, I think what you need to do is first convert these cartesian vectors to rotation matrix and then to Euler system. It is a s...

4 years 前 | 0

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How do you plot gray values in a picture?
Hi Lynn, I am not really sure if I understand your concern properly. But what you intend to do is to measure the gray values f...

4 years 前 | 0

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Deep Learning FPGA Deployment on Xilinx ZCU104
Hi Hanna, As of R2020b, We only support following boards. Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZC706 board Xilinx Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC ZCU102...

4 years 前 | 0

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How to add custom accuracy function in Matlab's inbuilt shallow neural network patternnet function for each iteration
Hi Chinmay, I am afraid there is no straight forward way to do what you are intending to do. Although you can find out the acc...

4 years 前 | 0

How fitnet normalize/change the input?
Hi Javier, Yes your intution is correct. fitnet have some preprocessing and postprocessing involved. These processing functions...

4 years 前 | 0

solve a non-linear equation for a 2d array values
You can generally solve all non linear equation using fsolve function. What you need to do is convert the equation to explicit f...

4 years 前 | 0

Why NaN values are found in score from kfoldPredict
Hey Yean, Yes, you get NaNs at the output score, those NaNs value index denotes the "HoldOut" fraction which is used as validat...

4 years 前 | 0

how to adjust the size of the imported image to use it in (rgb2gray()) ?
Hi Ahmed, The error "MAP must be a m x 3 array." is generally occurs when one try to pass one channel image(possibly gray image...

4 years 前 | 0

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Collaborative Representation Classifier with Training and Validation Data
Hey Shay, You can probably first start with attacking a simpler problem by just taking training set and test set and omitting v...

4 years 前 | 0

Calculate the measurements of a Binary Image with an ndims of 3
Hey Ryan, you might need to convert your RGB image to Gray image first and then binarize it, this will make sure you have ndim ...

4 years 前 | 0

Create a multiclass SVM classification with templateSVM and a custom kernel
Hi Alberto, I just took your gram matrix and able to define it properly, can you elaborate what you all did? Just for the refer...

4 years 前 | 0

Wavelet Transform: Signal reconstruction from D3 to D6
Hi Enrico, Did you check out wrcoef function, it can be used to reconstruct the wavelet transformed signal. you may need to do ...

4 years 前 | 0

How to match pixel locations to blob identity with region props
Hi, regionprops function have one property which finds orientations of the blobs, you could directly use them to find the direc...

4 years 前 | 0

Number of observations in X and Y disagree.
Hi Ben, I am not sure if you already figured out the mistake. Neverthless it seems the YTrain has 26 classes which is conflctin...

4 years 前 | 0

Custom deep learning loop take more memory than using trainNetwork()?
Yes, it is an expected behaviour, the custom loop does take some extra amount of memory while the existing function trainNetwork...

4 years 前 | 0

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Currently regression learner app doesn't show the AIC values for all algorithm, if you interested to find the AIC, you can do it...

4 years 前 | 0

Using OCR to find handwritten digits
Hi Odey, Have you looked at this example, If not give it a try, It might resolve some of your problem. Let me know if this help...

4 years 前 | 0
