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how to vectorize a function?

4 days 前 | 0

ezplot画出来的图中, Level 的值是什么东西?

4 days 前 | 0

MATLAB如何生成如何产生两列具有相关系数为0.5的X Y 的数据。
% 定义均值和协方差矩阵 mu = [0; 0]; Sigma = [1, 0.5; 0.5, 1]; % 生成正态分布数据 N = 1000; % 定义样本数量 Z = mvnrnd(mu, Sigma, N); % 将正态分布数据转...

4 days 前 | 0


4 days 前 | 0

Usage of spmd in matlab
建议你学习一下DataQueue和PollableDataQueue 以及SPMD的一系列辅助函数

6 days 前 | 0

clearing a persistent variable makes it no longer persistent
You can use deal to set multiple variables to the same value at once (such as an empty value, in your case). Using clear in a fu...

4 months 前 | 0

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Matlab got this wrong: Limit as n goes to infinity: (1+(i/n))^(n^2). Matlab says it's exp(2), which is wrong. Pls confirm.
I recommend consulting technical support. It's probably a bug.

4 months 前 | 0

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how do i display text in command window matlab LiveScript?
T=toc; timer(TimerFcn=@(~,~)display(T),StartDelay=0.1).start;

4 months 前 | 0

Operator '+' is not supported for operands of type 'function_handle'.
Only symbolic functions can be added directly. You may need to refer to Symbolic Math Toolbox.

1 year 前 | 0


Is there a way to map the GPU number of the gpuDevice to the GPU number in Windows Task Manager?
Our GPU server is shared by multiple people. I hope to avoid using the GPU that is being used by others. The main method is to c...

1 year 前 | 1 个回答 | 1



Cannot clear mex with an existing DesktopWindowTarget
Although I don't know the principle, I solved the problem. Simply move the resource release code into the destructor of MexFunct...

1 year 前 | 0

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Cannot clear mex with an existing DesktopWindowTarget
I'm trying to create a window and display a user-supplied image using the C++ MEX function: (Just a small snippet of code to ill...

1 year 前 | 1 个回答 | 0




1 year 前 | 0

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how can I reduce the computational time of a single for loop in a Matlab code
It seems that you are calling knnsearch twice in each loop to search for a single point in the point cloud. However, knnsearch c...

1 year 前 | 0

I have data for each milli second. How can I average the 1000 samples and convert in to 1 sec? I got 322 sec data. 1K samples for each second.
You may want to use imresize: Table=readmatrix('ms_to_sec.csv'); Table=imresize(Table,[322,2]); Table(:,1)=1:322;

1 year 前 | 0

Convert negative values to positive values in the graph
It depends on the meaning of negative values and how they are generated. From your graph, your data appears to be oscillating w...

1 year 前 | 0

shannon entropy and entropy of grayscale
Entropy.m is open source, why don't you just check out its source code? edit entropy

1 year 前 | 0

speed up for loop
When it comes to file I/O operations, parfor is usually not very helpful because the disk is always single-threaded. In contrast...

1 year 前 | 0

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in this linear matrix. q_1, q_2....the input matrix are 1*11 double. all the F2y, the out put are 1*11 double. I want to solve the Sol for each value of input ,output
Sol=cell(1,11); for a=1:11 Sol{a}=GetOneSol(q_1(a),q_2(a),q_3(a),q_4(a),q_5(a),q_6(a),q_7(a),q_8(a),q_9(a),q_10(a),q_11(a)...

1 year 前 | 0

How to push data to a website?
It depends on how your website server is configured. No one can tell you how to push messages to the server without knowing the ...

1 year 前 | 0

C++ API: How to convert ArrayElementRef to Array?
In MATLAB, an element of an array is also an array. However, in C++, an element is not an array. matlabArray[i] is taking an el...

1 year 前 | 0

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Please help to solve: Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.
Your audio_signal is an 1×n row vector but you're trying to get its start_index:end_index rows.

1 year 前 | 0

"Input parser" vs. new "arguments" definition
The biggest advantage of the arguments block is readability, but it is far less flexible than varargin. People who are not famil...

1 year 前 | 1

textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter',{'\r','\n'}) lost a Tab located in the very beginning of 1st row of text file
Specify Whitespace='' in textscan.

1 year 前 | 1

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separate y axis on right and left (even and odd data) with IMAGESC
Preprocess your data like: reshape(RateR_new.Flux(:,1),2,[])' Not sure if this is what you want. If not, it's best to draw a d...

1 year 前 | 0

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Getting Help to open in new tab of the default browser as opposed to built-in browser
I was never able to invode the OS browser with F1. Can you give a definite example to prove that you are not mistaken?

1 year 前 | 0

How do I multiply a given function handle with the independent variable?
Use symfun and int in Symbolic Math Toolbox if you want to do integrals.

1 year 前 | 0

Am I running in parallel? (best way to check)
parallel.internal.pool.isPoolThreadWorker||~isempty(getCurrentJob)) This code can robustly return true if and only if run on a ...

1 year 前 | 4

Saving output files as input file names while running though a for loop
filenames = struct2table(dir('*.csv')).name; %%% Start looping over files for k= 1:numel(filenames) X= readmatrix(filenam...

1 year 前 | 0
