sheng chen
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why in example"Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model",symbol time is set to 18.8235e-12,which is 106GHz
Hello, I ask for your help. In documentation "Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model", it says that "open the Simulink® ...
why in example"Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model",symbol time is set to 18.8235e-12,which is 106GHz
Hello, I ask for your help. In documentation "Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model", it says that "open the Simulink® ...
1 month 前 | 0
How to open the example in documentation "Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model"?
In documentation "Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model", it says that "open the Simulink® model ArchitecturalADCBasesS...
1 month 前 | 1 个回答 | 0