Vladimir Melnikov
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How to round the decimals?
the easiest way: round (X,N) e.g: >> round(0.12345,1) ans = 0.100000000000000 >> round(0.12345,2) ans = 0.120000000000...
How to round the decimals?
the easiest way: round (X,N) e.g: >> round(0.12345,1) ans = 0.100000000000000 >> round(0.12345,2) ans = 0.120000000000...
5 years 前 | 2
do we have a serial to parallel converter and parallel to serial cnvrtr in matlab 2014b
the way I do it is using "Unit Delay" blocks in series and after them a "Bit Concat" - also you need a kind of strobe to latch t...
do we have a serial to parallel converter and parallel to serial cnvrtr in matlab 2014b
the way I do it is using "Unit Delay" blocks in series and after them a "Bit Concat" - also you need a kind of strobe to latch t...
5 years 前 | 0
Simulink block for serial to parallel convertor
yes there is "Serial-In Parallel-Out Shift Register". But it acts not as I would expect. For serial to parrralell I use serie...
Simulink block for serial to parallel convertor
yes there is "Serial-In Parallel-Out Shift Register". But it acts not as I would expect. For serial to parrralell I use serie...
5 years 前 | 0
Simulink Real-Time Speedgoat. Start the model at powerup??
Hi. I have a real Time Machine. Every time I start a machine - it is empty and i have to download a model to it. How can i sav...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0