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Copy values from mat file to excel
Types of variables don't matter for excel. The issue is more going to be where to put them. Just saying "write variable x fo...

12 years 前 | 0

can this be done without a for loop?
The following will put all elements above your threshold value to 0. [row, col, index] = find( M > threshold); M(i...

12 years 前 | 0

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Efficiency help
This should work. I can't test it out though. Also, note the comment I made on your main post. Always pre-allocate memory if you...

12 years 前 | 0

Save values from a parfor-loop
It looks like parfor sends one variable to each parallel operation, meaning that the variable references must be clear to begin ...

12 years 前 | 0

Creating a Triangle Wave woes
Ok, I was able to figure this out on my own after much fiddling. Method 1: 'proper method' The issue here is that the incline...

12 years 前 | 0

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share data between guis
<> You can achieve thi...

12 years 前 | 0


Creating a Triangle Wave woes
I'm having trouble generating a nice looking triangle wave. Doing the calculation, with what I think is, the proper way results ...

12 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0



time on x axis
shorter_data = resample(xData, down_size_factor) down_size_factor should be a whole number. Using 2 will skip every other data ...

13 years 前 | 0

Concatenation of matrices both vertically and horizontally in a specific order.
The following loop will auto fill in C for any size. Keep in mind, do to memory issues, it is always better to try and know the ...

13 years 前 | 1

Calculating distances between coordinates from a matrix
1. Your third loop over t is not needed. t isn't even used in your distance calculation. 2. your distance is measured wrong. ...

13 years 前 | 0

Comparison of PSD calculating methods.
xcorr adds some padding numbers to either side. I forget how to manually truncate the series to take out the side bands (and I d...

13 years 前 | 0

simple math question
If I understand correctly, you have H as a function of r1, r2, & t. By this, you have 3 partial derivatives, dH/dr1, dH/dr2, &...

13 years 前 | 0

Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal without the use of the dec2hex function.
I would first recommend sitting down with some paper and figuring out a basic idea of the steps you need to do to convert Dec nu...

13 years 前 | 0

How can i multiply the transfer function with a vector)
What form is your transfer function in? This previous question might help. <

13 years 前 | 0

Errors in looping/erros checking
Your code here is counting the number of lines (fgetl), not the number of words. tline = fgetl(fid); i...

13 years 前 | 0

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rand function is slow with a parfor loop
All computer based random number generators need a 'seed'. I don't know about Matlab, but this seed, if not provided directly by...

13 years 前 | 0

variable: global or in guidata
Global variables are often a bad choice when programming. Another option for sharing data through a gui is basing the gui in ...

13 years 前 | 2

Recursive function Help
A few comments: 1. using global variables, then settings and clearing them is a bad habit to get into. 2. disp(Maze(i,j)); will...

13 years 前 | 0

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EDGE function ERROR
according to the documentation, using imread with a jpeg object results in RGB scale. As in, each pixel is represented by a 3 el...

13 years 前 | 1

Create a Low Pass Filter on Matlabto Eliminate Hight Frequency Component at 3khz (Z function)
You can use the filter command. If you have the signal Processing toolbox, there is the fdatool that will create filters easi...

13 years 前 | 0

Can any WHILE Loop be replaced with a FOR loop?
Another option, so your computer does eventually crash (as k gets to large). for k = 1:2 if(stuff) brea...

13 years 前 | 0


File Exchange Submission - updating someone else's project
Hello, I downloaded someone else's content through the FileExchange. I then made significant changes to the code (I would say...

13 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0



Modify choices for a ListBox Callback
I don't fully understand what you mean by your question, but I'll take a guess at a solution. function hSelecVarIndCallback(...

13 years 前 | 1

regarding mini project
Can you tell us what you know currently? What projects have you worked on before?

13 years 前 | 1

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how to estimate probability Of Outage for wireless communicaiton Networks
You need to give us more information. Probability of outage is based off the probability of error (PoE). PoE is based off of n...

13 years 前 | 1

Recursive Matrix Row Reduction
Ok, I have your solution. 1. Your subtract function in the beginning did not return the subtraced matrix. 2. You needed to re...

13 years 前 | 0

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Recursive Matrix Row Reduction
This is a quick look, but I think your command [~,newpivots] = echelon(M(2:m,2:n)); should be [M,newpivots] = echelon(M(2:m,2:n)...

13 years 前 | 0

Calling variables instead of values
My original comment about one-to-one, I realize, is not the best descriptor. I've since edited the original post to reflect t...

13 years 前 | 0

Time vector
Do you want the answer in hh::mm::ss format? sample_index = (selected sample index); %elapsed time in seconds elapsed...

13 years 前 | 0

Calling variables instead of values
In the previous question you have a single set (x) that has several elements that you want to link to. In the new problem, yo...

13 years 前 | 0

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