How to define second derivative in symbolic
dr/dA = -sin(A)*(dA/d) d²r/dA² = -cos(A)*(dA/d)^2-sin(A)*d²A/d²
How to define second derivative in symbolic
dr/dA = -sin(A)*(dA/d) d²r/dA² = -cos(A)*(dA/d)^2-sin(A)*d²A/d²
3 years 前 | 0
Floor/Fix rounds the result of a division (60.000) to 59
Hi Just use: s=round(a/b)
Floor/Fix rounds the result of a division (60.000) to 59
Hi Just use: s=round(a/b)
3 years 前 | 0
Sparse matrix calculate warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.
You don't have to correct any thing. The matrix is close to singular (the determinant close to zero) Matlab indicate that Re...
Sparse matrix calculate warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.
You don't have to correct any thing. The matrix is close to singular (the determinant close to zero) Matlab indicate that Re...
3 years 前 | 0
How I use quiver to plot 3+2i
Just use: quiver(3,2,1) for any complex number c, use: quiver(real(c),imag(c),1)
How I use quiver to plot 3+2i
Just use: quiver(3,2,1) for any complex number c, use: quiver(real(c),imag(c),1)
3 years 前 | 1
| 已接受
Split and count unique string in cell array
A loop solution: C=unique(A);nc=length(C); B=char(A);nb=length(B); D=zeros(nc,1); for i=1:nc for j=1:nb if str...
Split and count unique string in cell array
A loop solution: C=unique(A);nc=length(C); B=char(A);nb=length(B); D=zeros(nc,1); for i=1:nc for j=1:nb if str...
3 years 前 | 0
Check if a vector and matrix are orthogonal (MATLAB)
See this :Low-density_parity-check_code Orthogonality mean 'mod 2=0'
Check if a vector and matrix are orthogonal (MATLAB)
See this :Low-density_parity-check_code Orthogonality mean 'mod 2=0'
3 years 前 | 0
The meaning and function of codes on programming
size(permutataions,1) It just compute the number of ppossible permutations. randi([1 max_choice]) is a random choise the ge...
The meaning and function of codes on programming
size(permutataions,1) It just compute the number of ppossible permutations. randi([1 max_choice]) is a random choise the ge...
3 years 前 | 1
| 已接受
Array slice indexing?
Take for example: a=[1 2 3; 5 6 7; 8 9 12] and i=2 then a(i,end:-1:1) gives: the 2nd row in right to left order (the eleme...
Array slice indexing?
Take for example: a=[1 2 3; 5 6 7; 8 9 12] and i=2 then a(i,end:-1:1) gives: the 2nd row in right to left order (the eleme...
3 years 前 | 0
My yellow led control doesn't work on my gui
Just change this two lines %set callback for h10 (yellow on) set (h11, 'Callback', 'yellow_led_control(h11, h12, h10, id_flag,...
My yellow led control doesn't work on my gui
Just change this two lines %set callback for h10 (yellow on) set (h11, 'Callback', 'yellow_led_control(h11, h12, h10, id_flag,...
3 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Write a program that calculates the length of hypotenuse c for all (!) combinations of legs a and b and do so using a for loop!
An other way without loop a = [3;5;1;3;2]; b = [1;3;2;7;2]; [A B]=meshgrid(a,b); C=[A(:),B(:)]; c=sqrt(C(:,1).^2+C(:,2).^2)...
Write a program that calculates the length of hypotenuse c for all (!) combinations of legs a and b and do so using a for loop!
An other way without loop a = [3;5;1;3;2]; b = [1;3;2;7;2]; [A B]=meshgrid(a,b); C=[A(:),B(:)]; c=sqrt(C(:,1).^2+C(:,2).^2)...
3 years 前 | 0
Complex numbers not in fundamental class?
Hi Community Since a complex number is 1x1 array, why isn't in fundamental class type of datas?
3 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Bisection method relative error
Hi Just use "while" loop with your condition as follows: f=@(x) log(x)-cos(x)-exp(-x); x1=1; x2=2; xmid=(x1+x2)/2; while (...
Bisection method relative error
Hi Just use "while" loop with your condition as follows: f=@(x) log(x)-cos(x)-exp(-x); x1=1; x2=2; xmid=(x1+x2)/2; while (...
3 years 前 | 1
| 已接受
Finding vowels in a string the user inputs and printing the vowels. Here's the problem:
my_sentence=input('Please enter a sentence: ','s'); s1=my_sentence; m=['Y','W','R','H','Z ','X','V','T','S','Q','P','N','M','L...
Finding vowels in a string the user inputs and printing the vowels. Here's the problem:
my_sentence=input('Please enter a sentence: ','s'); s1=my_sentence; m=['Y','W','R','H','Z ','X','V','T','S','Q','P','N','M','L...
3 years 前 | 0
Calculating the inner product of two input vectors and a matrix using for loop and inner function. How do I change the code I have? Thank you so much for your answers.
Hello Just write: c=sum(a.*b)
Calculating the inner product of two input vectors and a matrix using for loop and inner function. How do I change the code I have? Thank you so much for your answers.
Hello Just write: c=sum(a.*b)
3 years 前 | 0