Programming Languages:
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Professional Interests:
Quantum Computing, Physics, Particle & Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics
Spoken Languages:
Professional Interests:
Quantum Computing, Physics, Particle & Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics
Write a function called under_age that takes two positive integer scalar arguments: age that represents someone's age, and limit that represents an age limit. The function returns true if the person is younger than the age limit. If the second arg
This might help: function too_young = under_age(age, limit) if nargin <2 limit =21; end if age<limit too_young = true;...
Write a function called under_age that takes two positive integer scalar arguments: age that represents someone's age, and limit that represents an age limit. The function returns true if the person is younger than the age limit. If the second arg
This might help: function too_young = under_age(age, limit) if nargin <2 limit =21; end if age<limit too_young = true;...
2 years 前 | 0