how can I recognize face of unknown person using CNN in matlab
Hi @M Ramzan, As I understand, you wish to train a CNN model to recognise faces of people. Your training set consists of imag...
how can I recognize face of unknown person using CNN in matlab
Hi @M Ramzan, As I understand, you wish to train a CNN model to recognise faces of people. Your training set consists of imag...
12 hours 前 | 0
Stratified K-fold validation using crossval funtion
Hi @Jhon Gray, You correctly identified 'crossval' function to be responsible for partitioning the data. Considering you are ...
Stratified K-fold validation using crossval funtion
Hi @Jhon Gray, You correctly identified 'crossval' function to be responsible for partitioning the data. Considering you are ...
14 hours 前 | 0
SVM: fitcsvm generalization rate problem
Hi @João Mendes, As per the example availble in the documentation of 'fitcsvm' function as shared in the question, the term '...
SVM: fitcsvm generalization rate problem
Hi @João Mendes, As per the example availble in the documentation of 'fitcsvm' function as shared in the question, the term '...
15 hours 前 | 0
Methods to filter a feature matrix to change balance of labels (binary classification)?
Hi @Jack Latham, I understand the nature of your binery classification question containing highly imabalanced data. Here are...
Methods to filter a feature matrix to change balance of labels (binary classification)?
Hi @Jack Latham, I understand the nature of your binery classification question containing highly imabalanced data. Here are...
16 hours 前 | 0
how to convert this code exposal to linear and how to find mape
Hi @andrew moisidi, In order to convert the exponential model to a linear model, consider using the logarithmic transformatio...
how to convert this code exposal to linear and how to find mape
Hi @andrew moisidi, In order to convert the exponential model to a linear model, consider using the logarithmic transformatio...
1 day 前 | 0
How to train multiple time series using one LSTM scriptt?
Hi @Fahad Butt, In order to train LSTM model over multiple time series data using a single script, consider representating al...
How to train multiple time series using one LSTM scriptt?
Hi @Fahad Butt, In order to train LSTM model over multiple time series data using a single script, consider representating al...
3 days 前 | 0
Can't control a GUI pushbutton by numeric keypad.
Hi @Chung Ning Wang, In order to achieve the desired functionality of controlling a GUI Pushbutton with a numeric keypad keyp...
Can't control a GUI pushbutton by numeric keypad.
Hi @Chung Ning Wang, In order to achieve the desired functionality of controlling a GUI Pushbutton with a numeric keypad keyp...
3 days 前 | 0
How can I open a document (Excel) from my Edit Box in Matlab GUI?
Hi @Black4Ghost, To open a document from the edit field text in MATLAB GUI, consider using the function 'web'. Here is an exa...
How can I open a document (Excel) from my Edit Box in Matlab GUI?
Hi @Black4Ghost, To open a document from the edit field text in MATLAB GUI, consider using the function 'web'. Here is an exa...
22 days 前 | 0
Find and Replace a specific String from excel work book
Hi @Akash Rana, I understand that you wish to replace centrain cells with a particular text with a different text. To achieve...
Find and Replace a specific String from excel work book
Hi @Akash Rana, I understand that you wish to replace centrain cells with a particular text with a different text. To achieve...
22 days 前 | 0
change the change the color of excel sheet if it contains odd value in 1st column
Hi @Akash Rana, In order to achieve the desired task, consider using 'actxserver' functions and access the particluar column ...
change the change the color of excel sheet if it contains odd value in 1st column
Hi @Akash Rana, In order to achieve the desired task, consider using 'actxserver' functions and access the particluar column ...
23 days 前 | 0
How can I copy the formatting of a row from an Excel spreadsheet and paste it into another Excel spreadsheet using MATLAB?
Hi @Sparky, In order to transfer formatting from one excel spreadsheet to another, consider using 'Copy' function of the 'Ran...
How can I copy the formatting of a row from an Excel spreadsheet and paste it into another Excel spreadsheet using MATLAB?
Hi @Sparky, In order to transfer formatting from one excel spreadsheet to another, consider using 'Copy' function of the 'Ran...
24 days 前 | 0
Precision loss during readtable() in excel which is having mixed datatypes
Hi @Shrikanth s, I understand that there is a precision loss while displaying data read from ecxel using 'readtable'. Some po...
Precision loss during readtable() in excel which is having mixed datatypes
Hi @Shrikanth s, I understand that there is a precision loss while displaying data read from ecxel using 'readtable'. Some po...
24 days 前 | 0
How to read excel data in matlab app designer and use it for further calculation eg. plot data?
Hi @garima, The approach described by you for reading excel data into MATLAB AppDesigner appears to be in the right direction...
How to read excel data in matlab app designer and use it for further calculation eg. plot data?
Hi @garima, The approach described by you for reading excel data into MATLAB AppDesigner appears to be in the right direction...
24 days 前 | 0
Using MATLAB to load the dimensions of an object selected by the user from an excel file
Hi @Mech130180, In order to read the data from excel into matlab, consider using 'readtable' function. Additionally, conside...
Using MATLAB to load the dimensions of an object selected by the user from an excel file
Hi @Mech130180, In order to read the data from excel into matlab, consider using 'readtable' function. Additionally, conside...
28 days 前 | 0
Read and show multiline XLS in App Designer
Hi @Peter Noszky, I understand that there is no direct workaround for the issue mentioned which involves multiple lines to be...
Read and show multiline XLS in App Designer
Hi @Peter Noszky, I understand that there is no direct workaround for the issue mentioned which involves multiple lines to be...
29 days 前 | 0
How can I convert an .xlsx (Microsoft Excel97-2003 Worksheet) into a EDF2 File?
Hi @Smaragda Zygridou, In order to convert a Microsoft Excel Worksheet to an EDF file, consider using the functions 'xlsread'...
How can I convert an .xlsx (Microsoft Excel97-2003 Worksheet) into a EDF2 File?
Hi @Smaragda Zygridou, In order to convert a Microsoft Excel Worksheet to an EDF file, consider using the functions 'xlsread'...
29 days 前 | 0
xlsread multiple files from multiple folders
Hi @Daniel Green, In order to achieve the task of navigating through directories and subdirectories and reading '.xls' files,...
xlsread multiple files from multiple folders
Hi @Daniel Green, In order to achieve the task of navigating through directories and subdirectories and reading '.xls' files,...
30 days 前 | 0
problem in integrating pre trined ANN regression model in appdesigner
Hi @kouadri saber, In order to integrate a pre trained regression model in MATLAB App Designer, consider looking at the follo...
problem in integrating pre trined ANN regression model in appdesigner
Hi @kouadri saber, In order to integrate a pre trained regression model in MATLAB App Designer, consider looking at the follo...
2 months 前 | 0
Problem in exporting function expression
Hi @duty duty, I understand that you require to export your function expression comining x,y variables in the expression form...
Problem in exporting function expression
Hi @duty duty, I understand that you require to export your function expression comining x,y variables in the expression form...
2 months 前 | 0
How do you access Powershell in MATLAB interactively
Hi @2necklaces, I understand that you wish to run powershell commands from MATLAB and are facing the issue of getting an exmp...
How do you access Powershell in MATLAB interactively
Hi @2necklaces, I understand that you wish to run powershell commands from MATLAB and are facing the issue of getting an exmp...
2 months 前 | 0
How to use real time for writeVideo
Hi @Amit Bhetiwal, I understand that while trying to track 3d points and create a video object while doing so, the speed with...
How to use real time for writeVideo
Hi @Amit Bhetiwal, I understand that while trying to track 3d points and create a video object while doing so, the speed with...
2 months 前 | 0
is there any function similare to pixelinfo but for pcolor ?
Hi @Rabih Sokhen, While there is no direct function which provides the functionality of 'impixelinfo' function for 'pcolor'. ...
is there any function similare to pixelinfo but for pcolor ?
Hi @Rabih Sokhen, While there is no direct function which provides the functionality of 'impixelinfo' function for 'pcolor'. ...
2 months 前 | 0
No margins at header photo of report using ActXWord
Hi @Christos Traianos, In order to set margins of a header photo without changing the margins of the body of the document whi...
No margins at header photo of report using ActXWord
Hi @Christos Traianos, In order to set margins of a header photo without changing the margins of the body of the document whi...
2 months 前 | 0
Creating Single-Use Password for .exe app Created in MATLAB
Hi @Jesse Gabriel, I understand that you wish to add a 'Single-use' password for your App created using MATLAB App Deisgner. ...
Creating Single-Use Password for .exe app Created in MATLAB
Hi @Jesse Gabriel, I understand that you wish to add a 'Single-use' password for your App created using MATLAB App Deisgner. ...
2 months 前 | 0
How to use dialog boxes
Hi @Iacopo, According to the steps given in the following documentation: https://it.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating_guis/u...
How to use dialog boxes
Hi @Iacopo, According to the steps given in the following documentation: https://it.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating_guis/u...
2 months 前 | 0
regionZoomInteraction only works the first time, bug?
Hi @Pelajar UM, I understand that you require to change interactions while using a Switch component and Button callback in yo...
regionZoomInteraction only works the first time, bug?
Hi @Pelajar UM, I understand that you require to change interactions while using a Switch component and Button callback in yo...
2 months 前 | 0
How to identify words from an audio file?
Hi @AMULYA PONNURU 17BIS0031, In order to identify words from an audio file, consider using the following MathWorks File Exch...
How to identify words from an audio file?
Hi @AMULYA PONNURU 17BIS0031, In order to identify words from an audio file, consider using the following MathWorks File Exch...
2 months 前 | 0
how to determine SNR of an audio signal in MATLAB ?
Hi @Noor Aliff, In order to measure the 'Signal to Noise ratio' (SNR) of an audio signal, consider using the 'snr' function d...
how to determine SNR of an audio signal in MATLAB ?
Hi @Noor Aliff, In order to measure the 'Signal to Noise ratio' (SNR) of an audio signal, consider using the 'snr' function d...
2 months 前 | 0
How to cut audio file into segments?
Hi @Lara Lirnow, As per the code shared, in order to apprpriately cut the audio signal into segments as per the specified lis...
How to cut audio file into segments?
Hi @Lara Lirnow, As per the code shared, in order to apprpriately cut the audio signal into segments as per the specified lis...
2 months 前 | 0
separation of image features.
Hi @waqar hussain shah, In order to obtain objects in the given image in a separated form, consider using following approache...
separation of image features.
Hi @waqar hussain shah, In order to obtain objects in the given image in a separated form, consider using following approache...
3 months 前 | 0