Pico Technology
Pico Technology
How do I resolve picoscope DLL error?
Hi You can get the required dll from here https://github.com/picotech/picosdk-c-wrappers-binaries as described in the README. ...
How do I resolve picoscope DLL error?
Hi You can get the required dll from here https://github.com/picotech/picosdk-c-wrappers-binaries as described in the README. ...
1 year 前 | 1
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how to connect a picoscope 3405A with mathlab
Hi Vanessa, Please try the following: Using the MATLAB Add-Ons Explorer, install the following: PicoScope 3000 Series A API M...
how to connect a picoscope 3405A with mathlab
Hi Vanessa, Please try the following: Using the MATLAB Add-Ons Explorer, install the following: PicoScope 3000 Series A API M...
6 years 前 | 0
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How can I use the PicoVNA Vector Network Analyzer Toolbox with 64-bit versions of MATLAB?
The PicoVNA software that is required in order to use the toolbox has been updated so that 64-bit applications can communicate w...
How can I use the PicoVNA Vector Network Analyzer Toolbox with 64-bit versions of MATLAB?
The PicoVNA software that is required in order to use the toolbox has been updated so that 64-bit applications can communicate w...
6 years 前 | 0
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How can I use the PicoVNA Vector Network Analyzer Toolbox with 64-bit versions of MATLAB?
I wish to use the latest version of MATLAB with the PicoVNA Vector Network Analyzer Toolbox but it only supports 32-bit versions...
6 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
The name 'streamingIntervalUs' is not an accessible property for an instance of class 'ICGroup2'
Hi CG, Is your query in relation to a PicoScope Instrument Driver? If so, which PicoScope model are you using? Regards,
The name 'streamingIntervalUs' is not an accessible property for an instance of class 'ICGroup2'
Hi CG, Is your query in relation to a PicoScope Instrument Driver? If so, which PicoScope model are you using? Regards,
6 years 前 | 0
Connecting an Instrument using icdevice
Hi Raph, Which PicoScope are you using? If the connection to the device has not been closed correctly, the driver will sti...
Connecting an Instrument using icdevice
Hi Raph, Which PicoScope are you using? If the connection to the device has not been closed correctly, the driver will sti...
7 years 前 | 0
Picoscope 2404A Test and Measurement Tool
Hi Rafael, Its possible that the paths might not be setup correctly so you will have to run the PS2000Config.m script. If ...
Picoscope 2404A Test and Measurement Tool
Hi Rafael, Its possible that the paths might not be setup correctly so you will have to run the PS2000Config.m script. If ...
8 years 前 | 0
Error when trying to create a device object (to connect to PS2205A PicoScope) from Matlab GUIDE OpeningFcn
Hi Gerco, The reason that you are getting the error is that the ps2000Enuminfo struct is likely to be in a different workspac...
Error when trying to create a device object (to connect to PS2205A PicoScope) from Matlab GUIDE OpeningFcn
Hi Gerco, The reason that you are getting the error is that the ps2000Enuminfo struct is likely to be in a different workspac...
8 years 前 | 0
How do I select specific data?
Hi Charlie, You can index a matrix using the row column indices - matrix dimensions are defined as number of rows x number of...
How do I select specific data?
Hi Charlie, You can index a matrix using the row column indices - matrix dimensions are defined as number of rows x number of...
8 years 前 | 0
How to force an external figure in live scripts?
Hi Alex, I've found that you can select the live script in the MATLAB Current Folder view and select F9 to run it as a script...
How to force an external figure in live scripts?
Hi Alex, I've found that you can select the live script in the MATLAB Current Folder view and select F9 to run it as a script...
8 years 前 | 1
Load C/C++ shared library into MATLAB - '.dll is not a valid Win32 application'
Hi Seungkook, Is the dll that you are attempting to load a 64-bit version? If not this is likely to be the issue as MATLAB 20...
Load C/C++ shared library into MATLAB - '.dll is not a valid Win32 application'
Hi Seungkook, Is the dll that you are attempting to load a 64-bit version? If not this is likely to be the issue as MATLAB 20...
8 years 前 | 0
linking a dll with loadlibrary "specified module could not be found" error
Hi Jesse, Assuming this is your header file name, try: loadlibrary('IRIS_API.dll', 'IRIS_API.h'); Is the IRIS_API dll...
linking a dll with loadlibrary "specified module could not be found" error
Hi Jesse, Assuming this is your header file name, try: loadlibrary('IRIS_API.dll', 'IRIS_API.h'); Is the IRIS_API dll...
8 years 前 | 0
Connecting an Instrument using icdevice
Hi Jasmine, Please ensure that the win64 folder in the Instrument Driver root folder contains the following files: * ps400...
Connecting an Instrument using icdevice
Hi Jasmine, Please ensure that the win64 folder in the Instrument Driver root folder contains the following files: * ps400...
8 years 前 | 0
Will Instrument Control Toolbox support my PicoScope 3204D under Mac OS X?
We can provide limited support for our Instrument Driver packages with MATLAB on Mac OS X. To use our Instructions Driver packag...
Will Instrument Control Toolbox support my PicoScope 3204D under Mac OS X?
We can provide limited support for our Instrument Driver packages with MATLAB on Mac OS X. To use our Instructions Driver packag...
8 years 前 | 1
How do I get started using MATLAB Instrument Drivers for Pico Technology products?
*PREREQUISITES* * MATLAB 2012b or later (32-bit or 64-bit version) * Windows SDK 7.1 installed (for 64-bit versions of MATLA...
How do I get started using MATLAB Instrument Drivers for Pico Technology products?
*PREREQUISITES* * MATLAB 2012b or later (32-bit or 64-bit version) * Windows SDK 7.1 installed (for 64-bit versions of MATLA...
9 years 前 | 0
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Does Instrument Control Toolbox support the 2405a Pico Technology 2000 series oscilloscope hardware?
Hi Glenn, The PicoScope 2405A requires the <http://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/55504-picoscope-2000-series--a...
Does Instrument Control Toolbox support the 2405a Pico Technology 2000 series oscilloscope hardware?
Hi Glenn, The PicoScope 2405A requires the <http://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/55504-picoscope-2000-series--a...
9 years 前 | 0
How can i set up my Picoscope Device in Instrument Control Toolbox?
Hello Georg, Below are the steps that we would recommend taking when installing our Instrument Driver packages on Microsoft W...
How can i set up my Picoscope Device in Instrument Control Toolbox?
Hello Georg, Below are the steps that we would recommend taking when installing our Instrument Driver packages on Microsoft W...
9 years 前 | 1
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How can I use the Instrument Control Toolbox (PicoScope device) properly across workspaces?
Hi Christof, Currently the Instrument Drivers rely on pulling information in from the base workspace which we understand is n...
How can I use the Instrument Control Toolbox (PicoScope device) properly across workspaces?
Hi Christof, Currently the Instrument Drivers rely on pulling information in from the base workspace which we understand is n...
10 years 前 | 0
How do I get started using MATLAB Instrument Drivers for Pico Technology products?
I would like to know the steps needed in order to configure MATLAB and run examples in the Instrument Driver package for PicoSco...
10 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
I want to create a GUI for the program to start a real time plotting through Data Logger, but before I can proceed I have trouble defining the code below, where should I place them and how should I start?
Hi, If you are still having issues with your code the following might help: * Ensure that the pl1000.dll, on your MATLAB ...
I want to create a GUI for the program to start a real time plotting through Data Logger, but before I can proceed I have trouble defining the code below, where should I place them and how should I start?
Hi, If you are still having issues with your code the following might help: * Ensure that the pl1000.dll, on your MATLAB ...
10 years 前 | 0
How to split .mat V4 files into smaller files?
This is now solved - an existing application that converts the file to text was edited to use the MATLAB API to write data to fi...
How to split .mat V4 files into smaller files?
This is now solved - an existing application that converts the file to text was edited to use the MATLAB API to write data to fi...
11 years 前 | 0
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How to efficiently create an array of libpointers?
Hi, I am working on a piece of code to create a 2D array of libpointers that can be passed to a shared library. This correspo...
11 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
How to split .mat V4 files into smaller files?
Hi, We have an application that exports data collected by oscilloscopes to .mat v4 format. Unfortunately this format has a...
11 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0