reset GUI axes properties, including position etc
Hello, I have an axes object within a GUI that is subsequently used for different images/plots. How can i reset all prope...
13 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
functions vs. script
Thank you everybody for a set of very good answers, i think you helped me out to a great extend and made me do a big step forwar...
functions vs. script
Thank you everybody for a set of very good answers, i think you helped me out to a great extend and made me do a big step forwar...
13 years 前 | 0
Delete rows with NaN records
check out the isnan() functioion. the following code looks like a workaround but it works: A=[1 2 3;nan 4 5;nan 6 nan]; ...
Delete rows with NaN records
check out the isnan() functioion. the following code looks like a workaround but it works: A=[1 2 3;nan 4 5;nan 6 nan]; ...
13 years 前 | 1
not take into account zeros in a graph
another way is to use z=[3 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 8]; z(z=0)=[] % now z == [3 2 5 2 4 1 8] plot(z) this...
not take into account zeros in a graph
another way is to use z=[3 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 8]; z(z=0)=[] % now z == [3 2 5 2 4 1 8] plot(z) this...
13 years 前 | 0
functions vs. script
Hello, my question is, what advantages do i have from using functions instead of scripts? I am writing code with matlab for ...
13 years 前 | 7 个回答 | 3
non zero elements above 70 and below -70 zero
then you modify Honglei Chen 's approach according to your wish: x(1:2,x(1:2,:)>70 | x(1:2,:)<-70)=0 that should be it...
non zero elements above 70 and below -70 zero
then you modify Honglei Chen 's approach according to your wish: x(1:2,x(1:2,:)>70 | x(1:2,:)<-70)=0 that should be it...
13 years 前 | 0
matrix, using variables like a1,a2,a3,...an, minimum
ok heres a brute force version without fancy commands. a=[2 6 7 8;4 5 3 7;9 7 6 9;5 3 1 9] rows=size(a,1); colum...
matrix, using variables like a1,a2,a3,...an, minimum
ok heres a brute force version without fancy commands. a=[2 6 7 8;4 5 3 7;9 7 6 9;5 3 1 9] rows=size(a,1); colum...
13 years 前 | 0
storing data set
sure :) ok my answer was kind of an overkill, sorry! let "a" be your 200x200 variable and "savea.mat" the file you want to s...
storing data set
sure :) ok my answer was kind of an overkill, sorry! let "a" be your 200x200 variable and "savea.mat" the file you want to s...
13 years 前 | 1
storing data set
I onec used save(sprintf('%s\\%s\\filename',pwd,'foldername'),'varname'); load(sprintf('%s\\%s\\filename',pwd,'foldern...
storing data set
I onec used save(sprintf('%s\\%s\\filename',pwd,'foldername'),'varname'); load(sprintf('%s\\%s\\filename',pwd,'foldern...
13 years 前 | 0
meshgrid() confusion (dimesions, index,...)
Hello everybody, i have a fundamental question on the meshgrid() function. I have a 10x20x30 cubus of scalar data. i wanted to...
13 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0