Exact solution for Burgers equation. How to write the matlab code with the given information? Multiple plots for different t's
x = -6:0.1:6; hold all axis([-6 6 -4 4]); t=0; u=(-2*sinh(x))./(cosh(x)-exp(-t)); plot(x,u,'--'); for t=0.2:0.5:1.2 u=(-...
Exact solution for Burgers equation. How to write the matlab code with the given information? Multiple plots for different t's
x = -6:0.1:6; hold all axis([-6 6 -4 4]); t=0; u=(-2*sinh(x))./(cosh(x)-exp(-t)); plot(x,u,'--'); for t=0.2:0.5:1.2 u=(-...
8 years 前 | 1