Alex Dytso
Princeton University
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How to train neural networks for regression when the response variable is a vector
I am training to figure out how to train neural networks for regression when the response variable is a vector. For example, ...
2 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
How to use integral with an implicit function defined through a sum
Suppose we have a function define as follows: fz=@(z) exp(-(z).^2/2); g=@(y) sum ( v(1:n/2).*fz((y- v(n/2+1:n)))); here ...
4 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
imnoise(I,'salt & pepper',rho) but with different proportion of salt and paper
imnoise(I,'salt & pepper',rho) adds sal and paper noise to the image I so that rho percent of pixels is corrupted. However, the...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
LDPC codes not working in comm toolbox.
Hello, I want to implement the following code H = dvbs2ldpc(3/5); [r,c]=size(H); henc = comm.LDPCEncoder(H); hdec ...
10 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Wiener Filter for noise cancellation
Example of how to implement wiener filter for noise canellation
11 years 前 | 2 次下载 |
Distributive Power Control Algorithm
This code is a simulation of 3 user Distributed Power Control algorithm used in CDMA networks
11 years 前 | 1 次下载 |
Applying MatLab functions to .txt files.
Helo, I have data stored in 2 a .txt file. I want to take that data and use function trapz for integration. The problem is that ...
12 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Three way Dual Probability
This code simulates a dual between 3 players and compares two strategies
12 years 前 | 1 次下载 |

Decentralized Feedback Zero Forcing Equalizer
Describes implementation of decentralized feedback zero forcing equalizer.
12 years 前 | 1 次下载 |
LMMSE Equalizer
Implementation of LMMSE (linear minimum mean square error) Equalizer used to combat ISI
12 years 前 | 2 次下载 |
Simulation of LMMSE
This code is a demonstration of how LMMSE filter is implemented inside of a communication system
12 years 前 | 2 次下载 |
Zero Forcing Equalizer Simulation
This code is demonstrates implementation of Zero Forcing Equalizer in a communication channel
12 years 前 | 3 次下载 |
Study of Different Types of Typicality
Typicality is in an important concept in information theory.
12 years 前 | 2 次下载 |

GUI and dealing with functions
Hello, I am new to the GUI and I have a problem is that very basic. The question is regarding dropdown menu. When I select a v...
12 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...
13 years 前
Generating Fibonacci Sequence
Function to generate Fibonacci Sequence of Length N
13 years 前 | 1 次下载 |
Scalar Kalman Filter
This code serves as a tutorial for implementation of Scalar Kalman Filter
13 years 前 | 1 次下载 |
Radom Point. Comparing Two Distributions
Comparing Normal and Uniform Distribution
13 years 前 | 1 次下载 |

Random Walk: Normal Vs Uniform
Code compares two random walks. With Normal and Uniform distributions
13 years 前 | 1 次下载 |

Motion Of Random Points
Introduction to some animation. Study of random motion
13 years 前 | 1 次下载 |

Set Non-overlaping in sum
Creating set where sum of element is outside of set space.
13 years 前 | 1 次下载 |
Huffman Algorithm Probability Tree
This code constructs Probability Tree for the Huffman Algorithm
13 years 前 | 1 次下载 |
Extended Kalman Filter Tracking Object in 3-D
Using Kalman filter to track object in 3D. Comparing Extended Kalman filter to its linear version.
13 years 前 | 5 次下载 |