
Benjamin Avants

Rice University

Last seen: 30 days 前 自 2013 起处于活动状态

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I am a lab manager and research assistant in a nanoelectronics / neurobiology lab at Rice University. I am in charge of workstation control and experiment automation.


  • Personal Best Downloads Level 1
  • Knowledgeable Level 3
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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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Is it possible to add a listener to a python object?
I would like for python scripts and objects to be able to trigger a MATLAB callback. Is there any way to do this such as assign...

7 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0




How is data passed from MATLAB to python?
I have recently begun making python calls directly from MATLAB for a number of different things, including non-blocking .mat fil...

7 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0



BytesAvailableFcn callback not being triggered in GUI
I know this question is a little old but just in case it is still troubling you or for anyone else who comes across it, I will a...

7 years 前 | 2

Check if GUI is open
I know this question is old, but GUIDE created figures don't show up as results from findobj. Instead, use figure2handl...

7 years 前 | 1

display image informations via gui using imfinfo
First, I would suggest not using a global variable to store your image or images. It would be better to save the image data to ...

10 years 前 | 0

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How to copy figure children into uipanel
I'd say the error is the result of trying to set the panel as a parent for an object that cannot have a panel as a parent. Know...

10 years 前 | 0

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plot and evaluate this cubic polynomial
I think the easiest thing to do is to first define t as a vector. Choose your resolution and invoke linspace: numberOfPoin...

10 years 前 | 0

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why does "save -append" work so slow and increase the size of mat file for simple replacement?
If you use the -append option, save will not overwrite any of your existing data. It will simply add the new data into the exis...

10 years 前 | 1

How to auto adjust an Axes to fit a 3D plot in Matlab GUI
One potential way to solve this in a general case where the data in the 3D plot will be different for each use would be to gene...

10 years 前 | 0

How to call a variable with user string input
Although it is often advised not to use this method, it would suit your purpose. Once you have the user's input string and ha...

10 years 前 | 4

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Do I need to buy one of the tool boxes for MATLAB to communicate with a Bluetooth device?
Bluetooth communication requires the Instrument Control Toolbox.

10 years 前 | 0

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how to select the sample
samples = z(1:7)

10 years 前 | 0

how to join two image
You should use the cat() function. if your images are A and B and you want to merge them so that you get AB (A on the left wi...

10 years 前 | 3

Finding the total number of zeros
Looking through your sample data, this could be a little tricky. I plotted the data and it looks like the jump takes place be...

10 years 前 | 0

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cellarray which contains different types of data
In response to your comments, here is one way to convert cell arrays with different data types to a single type. You can use ...

10 years 前 | 0

What does '...' mean in MATLAB?
The three dots '...' tell matlab that the code on a given line continues on the next line. It is used so that command lines d...

10 years 前 | 13

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cellarray which contains different types of data
If you're only trying to verify if the entries in cc appear in txt1, you can start by identifying which entries of txt1 are 'cha...

10 years 前 | 0

How can I classify a variable if it is a string or a number?
Use the class() function. str = 'Test'; num = 1; strcmp(class(str),'char') true strcmp(class(num),'double') tr...

10 years 前 | 1

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How to do color detection without using Image Processing Toolbox ?
How you find the color depends somewhat on what format your image data is in. If it is a color image, it is likely to be a W x ...

10 years 前 | 0

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Using a pushbutton to show that I have selected the right radiobutton
When you place radio buttons in a button group panel, the panel disables the radio buttons' callback functions and replaces them...

10 years 前 | 0

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Create new column for data after each iteration of a for loop
As the code appears in your question, you are overwriting S in every loop. Assuming you don't have a length mismatch as Sara ...

10 years 前 | 1

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How to read values from a table or Excel File and assign it to a variable ?
You'll have to load the whole table into memory and then search column a for an entry that matches the user input. Then you use...

10 years 前 | 1

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Identify Serial COM devices by friendly name in Windows
Uses Windows registry information to ID Serial COM devices

10 years 前 | 10 次下载 |

radio button to play song
I have had success with the following. In the opening function: % Audio Players [y,Fs,NBITS]=wavread('punch.wav'); han...

10 years 前 | 0

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Adding stop button to stop the data streaming from comport to GUI builder
OK, where to start. Buttons... You create buttons from code with the uicontrol function. A pushbutton could be made like th...

10 years 前 | 0

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random vector v from uniform distribution at (0,1) with sum(v)=1
You could use rand() to create a uniform distribution then divide each element by the sum. v = rand(10,1); vSum = sum(v); ...

10 years 前 | 0

Imaqtool shows specific values for a device property but set(src,Property) doesn't specify those values
I found the answer. By querying the specific property with propinfo the ranges are returned. propinfo(src,'Exposure') ans...

10 years 前 | 0

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getting pixel value of the pre-specifed region of many image files
I think the best way is to make a logical mask first. You'll want a mask of the same dimension as your images where each elemen...

10 years 前 | 0

element in matrix multiplication to create a new matrix
Your question is a little unclear, but if you want to do matrix multiplication like this: |d| |a,b,c| * |e| = (ad+...

10 years 前 | 0

If you look up the ascii values of the characters you're looking for, you can make an array of those values and then cast it to ...

10 years 前 | 0
