Can anyone answer what is the error about (attached image)?
I was trying to delete some frames from a video (>1500 frames). Want to cut down the size by deleting frames that are affected b...
8 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Can anyone please answer why the pixel value changes from about 90 to about 0.23 when I apply ind2rgb function?
% I have true color image (looks gray though because it is ultrasound image). I read the image. im = imread('c1d7.JPG'); ...
8 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
how to quantify multicolor images ?
Hi, I have to quantify this attached multi-color image. This image (Picture1.png)is an outcome of (Matlab enhanced from Pictu...
8 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
In the mouse brain perfusion image attached, could you please tell me how to remove the blue background?
im = imread('Picture1.png'); I = rgb2gray(im); imshow(im); rgbImage = ind2rgb(I, jet(256)); imshow(rgbImage); maskedImage...
9 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
can we draw lines based on the color in the image such that red color in the image is thicker to thick and blue to dark blue is thinner none?
I have microvascular perfusion rgb images. Wanted to see vessels but could not do it because of lot of noise (I guess). Now is i...
9 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
I want to quantitate blood perfusion image (basically the number of counts of blood vessels in an ROI). Can you help me count the number of vessels in an ROI Please?
Perfusion image has blue, green, yellow, and red color coded map. if it can separate Blue, green, yellow, and red counts that wo...
9 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
in the code below can we make freehand drawing of the line instead of straight line?
if true figure, imshow(I); h = imdistline(gca); api = iptgetapi(h); width = api.getDistance(); end
9 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Can anyone help me converting rgb to 8-bit gray scale or indexed color image to open in NeuronJ?
I used: rgb2gray(im), rgb2ind(im,3) it converts but when I open this image in NeuronJ software it says Only 8-bit images can be ...
9 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 1
I could not understand why this part of a code gives error "Undefined function or variable 'normalise'". Can you please figure out for me?
function [normim, mask, maskind] = ridgesegment(im, blksze, thresh) im = normalise(im,0,1); % normalise to have zero mea...
10 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Hi all, I have a image to reduce noise? I used medfilt2(), weiner2(), filter2(fspecal('average',3),image)... none helped. Can anybody help me?
In enhancing blood vessels I used medfilt2(), weiner2(), filter2(fspecal('average',3),image). I also used regionprops() and edge...
10 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Can anybody help me the function adjcontrast() ?
I need to see capillary blood vessels from a perfusion imaging. I need to reduce the noise, enhance contrast. Hoping this functi...
10 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Hi can anybody help me why adjcontrast() function doesn't work? Is there an alternative to adjust contrast? Could you please help me denoise the image?
I need to enhance a perfusion image to see the blood vessels in Laser Speckle Imaging. Tried regionprops(), medfilt2(), imdi...
10 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0