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Tilkesh Professional Interests: Optics
how to make fft of rectangular function?
function y = rect(x, D) % function y = rect(x, D) if nargin == 1, D = 1; x = abs(x); y = double(x<D/2); y(x == D/2) = 0.5;...
how to make fft of rectangular function?
function y = rect(x, D) % function y = rect(x, D) if nargin == 1, D = 1; x = abs(x); y = double(x<D/2); y(x == D/2) = 0.5;...
3 years 前 | 0
How do i plot this rect function and unit step function into matlab?
function y = rect(x, D) % function y = rect(x, D) if nargin == 1, D = 1; x = abs(x); y = double(x<D/2); y(x == D/2) = 0.5;...
How do i plot this rect function and unit step function into matlab?
function y = rect(x, D) % function y = rect(x, D) if nargin == 1, D = 1; x = abs(x); y = double(x<D/2); y(x == D/2) = 0.5;...
3 years 前 | 0
How can I find intersection of a cylinder and helical isosurface.
[x3, y3,z3] = meshgrid(linspace(-1, 1),linspace(-1, 1),linspace(0, 4*pi)); f1=x3.^2+y3.^2-1; f2=y3-x3.*tan(z3); [x2, y2] = me...
9 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0