How to write code in MATLAB?
for x=1:10 if x<=2 f(x) = x*x - x + 1; elseif x<=7 && x>2 f(x) = 0; else f(x) = 2*x*x +...
How to write code in MATLAB?
for x=1:10 if x<=2 f(x) = x*x - x + 1; elseif x<=7 && x>2 f(x) = 0; else f(x) = 2*x*x +...
4 years 前 | 0
what is loop for this relation?
i = 2; j = 1; T(j) = T0; for deltaT=50:50:150 K_eff=C_E+(teta*deltaT*K_E); F_eff=(C_E-((1-teta)*deltaT*K_E))*T(j)+(...
what is loop for this relation?
i = 2; j = 1; T(j) = T0; for deltaT=50:50:150 K_eff=C_E+(teta*deltaT*K_E); F_eff=(C_E-((1-teta)*deltaT*K_E))*T(j)+(...
4 years 前 | 0
How to input two signals to one transfer function?
I would suggest to create a state space system for the slider and then convert it to transfer function model. While defining s...
How to input two signals to one transfer function?
I would suggest to create a state space system for the slider and then convert it to transfer function model. While defining s...
4 years 前 | 0
How can one accomplish a H∞ tuning of fixed-structure controllers using the command "hinfstruct" for a DISCRETE system.
It is because of MATLAB version. For 2015b, The documentation page for hinfstruct is: https://www.mathworks.com/help/release...
How can one accomplish a H∞ tuning of fixed-structure controllers using the command "hinfstruct" for a DISCRETE system.
It is because of MATLAB version. For 2015b, The documentation page for hinfstruct is: https://www.mathworks.com/help/release...
4 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Time axis as x axis
When you do plot(signal) Matlab plots the signal values for each data point. But if your x-axis do not vary in the steps of ...
Time axis as x axis
When you do plot(signal) Matlab plots the signal values for each data point. But if your x-axis do not vary in the steps of ...
4 years 前 | 0
How can I import my graph as a signal to Simulink?
Lookup table is what you need. Below is a link for a video on lookup tables: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmfwKoFHrO4
How can I import my graph as a signal to Simulink?
Lookup table is what you need. Below is a link for a video on lookup tables: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmfwKoFHrO4
4 years 前 | 1
Back-calculating a variable in equation to give a value of zero
k = 1; % outside the loop % inside the loop F(k) = ... %rest remains unchanged k = k+1;
Back-calculating a variable in equation to give a value of zero
k = 1; % outside the loop % inside the loop F(k) = ... %rest remains unchanged k = k+1;
4 years 前 | 0
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V2X simulation in Matlab
Check this out : https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/526314-model-to-create-v2x-applications#answer_433103
V2X simulation in Matlab
Check this out : https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/526314-model-to-create-v2x-applications#answer_433103
4 years 前 | 0
Problem with code when create a matrix in Maltab
Clear the variables before starting. You may write clear all in the beginning of your code
Problem with code when create a matrix in Maltab
Clear the variables before starting. You may write clear all in the beginning of your code
4 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Symbolic Vector ODE numerical solution
in your equation for 'eq', if you are looking for double differentiation then it should be eq = diff(theta, t, 2) - cos(theta)...
Symbolic Vector ODE numerical solution
in your equation for 'eq', if you are looking for double differentiation then it should be eq = diff(theta, t, 2) - cos(theta)...
4 years 前 | 0
Finding Maximum Value of a Table/Categorical Array
first convert categorical to numeric array : tmax = str2double(cellstr(tmax)); tmax(tmax == 'NA') = NaN; max(tmax) convert t...
Finding Maximum Value of a Table/Categorical Array
first convert categorical to numeric array : tmax = str2double(cellstr(tmax)); tmax(tmax == 'NA') = NaN; max(tmax) convert t...
5 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Saving multiple matlab figures as per their title
t= get(gca,'title'); FigName = get(t,'string'); This should do the work.
Saving multiple matlab figures as per their title
t= get(gca,'title'); FigName = get(t,'string'); This should do the work.
5 years 前 | 0
For Loop to generate value alternately
% initialize n length_of_beam = 12; for i = 1 : n length_of_beam = length_of_beam +3; if mod(i,2) == 0 ...
For Loop to generate value alternately
% initialize n length_of_beam = 12; for i = 1 : n length_of_beam = length_of_beam +3; if mod(i,2) == 0 ...
5 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Why cant I predict kstep ahead when adding System Identification models?
https://de.mathworks.com/help/ident/ref/compare.html Check this link. It says : 'compare ignores kstep when sys is an iddata...
Why cant I predict kstep ahead when adding System Identification models?
https://de.mathworks.com/help/ident/ref/compare.html Check this link. It says : 'compare ignores kstep when sys is an iddata...
5 years 前 | 0
can any one solve this ?
m = 20; % kg k = 20; %N/m x_0 = 0.5; %m c1 = 5; %underdamped c2 = 40; % critically damped c3 = 200; %overdamped syms x(t...
can any one solve this ?
m = 20; % kg k = 20; %N/m x_0 = 0.5; %m c1 = 5; %underdamped c2 = 40; % critically damped c3 = 200; %overdamped syms x(t...
5 years 前 | 1
Finding mean values several times.
for i=1:n if i+4<length(vector) A(i) = mean(vector(i:i+4)); else A(i) = mean(vector(i:end)); en...
Finding mean values several times.
for i=1:n if i+4<length(vector) A(i) = mean(vector(i:i+4)); else A(i) = mean(vector(i:end)); en...
5 years 前 | 0
How can I reformat the axes of a graph?
Use xlabel : xlabel('Capacitance') Refer xlabel documentation for more details, https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/xlab...
How can I reformat the axes of a graph?
Use xlabel : xlabel('Capacitance') Refer xlabel documentation for more details, https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/xlab...
5 years 前 | 0
Can I solve this Matrix multiple of question?
If you want to mulitply, the value at A(2,2) with x : B = A(2,2)*x; Or else if you want to multiply entire second column and e...
Can I solve this Matrix multiple of question?
If you want to mulitply, the value at A(2,2) with x : B = A(2,2)*x; Or else if you want to multiply entire second column and e...
5 years 前 | 0
PID Time behavior of the maximum and minimum points
You can use PID Tuner App to set the PID gains.
PID Time behavior of the maximum and minimum points
You can use PID Tuner App to set the PID gains.
5 years 前 | 0
Wrong with matrix dimensions(lsim command)
In the input u, the dimensions are not properly assigned. Try: u=[5*t.^2+10;2*exp(t)+5;ones(size(t))];
Wrong with matrix dimensions(lsim command)
In the input u, the dimensions are not properly assigned. Try: u=[5*t.^2+10;2*exp(t)+5;ones(size(t))];
5 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
How can I recognize symbolic value with actual value 0?
You need to specify custom tolerance. if abs(ans) < 1e-10 ans = 0; end You can specify your own tolerance instead of 1e-...
How can I recognize symbolic value with actual value 0?
You need to specify custom tolerance. if abs(ans) < 1e-10 ans = 0; end You can specify your own tolerance instead of 1e-...
5 years 前 | 0
How to create for-loop for this case ?
Referring from your previous question, I think this is what you need : for i=1:(no_of_datapoints/25) S(i) = std(data1(1+(...
How to create for-loop for this case ?
Referring from your previous question, I think this is what you need : for i=1:(no_of_datapoints/25) S(i) = std(data1(1+(...
5 years 前 | 0
How to a create for loop for this ?
There is inconsistency. The first covariance value is for 25 numbers and the other two are for 26 numbers. If you are looking fo...
How to a create for loop for this ?
There is inconsistency. The first covariance value is for 25 numbers and the other two are for 26 numbers. If you are looking fo...
5 years 前 | 0