Plotting 4 dimensions in 1 graph (4th D being color)
scatter3(x,y,z,5,c,'filled'); where 5 is the size of your marker c is automatically linearly mapped to the colormap.
Plotting 4 dimensions in 1 graph (4th D being color)
scatter3(x,y,z,5,c,'filled'); where 5 is the size of your marker c is automatically linearly mapped to the colormap.
5 years 前 | 0
Solving ODE's with time-dependent variation in inputs using ode45
I remember Matlab staff replying to another post that ODE can't take a varying input. The work around is to use interp1. You'd...
Solving ODE's with time-dependent variation in inputs using ode45
I remember Matlab staff replying to another post that ODE can't take a varying input. The work around is to use interp1. You'd...
5 years 前 | 0