How do i get inverse wavelet transformation (icwtft) from my new coefficients values?
Hi, I want to do a inverse continous wavelet transformation (icwtft). I have taken a simple sinewave function and got wavelet t...
6 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
getting error Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals in finding distance?
Hello everyone, let say, i have cell matrix {[100*2],[450*2],[300*2],[999*2]....[898*2]}. Now i want to find a distance/derviati...
6 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
how to scroll a number of graphs from the cell matrix? either GUIDE or is any other technique??
hello, i have 100cells matrix. each cell has two columns(let say x,y). now i want to show the each cell graph in a scroll bar. _...
6 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
How can i extract Index values of different cell arrays
I want to extract the cell arrays w.r.to the index num, for w =1:length(mydata) %[~,I]= find(mydata{w, 2}(:,2)) =...
6 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
How to find max and min values from the cell(x*1 matrix) array elements !!
hallo everyone, lets say, cell array have 600*1 matrix in that each cell consists of the X*1 matrix. now i want to find a max ...
6 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
How to remove duplicate rows from .mat file or text file with out sorting?
Hello all, I have 64954930*3 matrix. There are duplicate rows are exist. How can i delete with out sorting of original matrix. ...
6 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
How can i extract for specific set of rows from large set of data to find statistical operations. And set was incremented by 1 for each set of rows and create a columns for each feature extraction in machine learning!
Hallo all, I would like to find some statiscal operations(Machine Learning) such as mean, median, stdev and varience f...
7 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
how to find a differentiation or derivative of each array(>1000*2) in cell consists 7000*1?
Hi, let say, there are 700*1 cells. each cell consists of arrays(3000*2). i would like find the derivative of each cell and fin...
7 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
how to extract rows has a same value in column 1 and plot until those rows of column 2 and 3?
Hi everyone, I have a matrix with repeated values in the 1st column, for example: A = [ 1 15 43; 2 05 64; 2 13 ...
7 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
how can i call two push buttons from the 3rd push button in GUI without disabling any pushbuttons?
this is my code. when i press signal1_pushbutton--> output signal will appear. similarly,signal2_pushbutton. now i wan to stop t...
7 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
How to convert sinewave(any signal) into 8bit binary in Simulink?
Hi all, I am trying to convert a sinewave into binary data by using the Sine wave, Quantizer, limiter, convert blocks. but i am...
7 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0