In what ways can Matlab continue running while a window pops up?
Hi, you could solve the issue in case you had access to the source code of the executable that pops up the cumbersome window. If...

11 years 前 | 0

I use MATLAB 2011. Related to the questions I asked yesterday. How to save plots and work space to a folder automatically that come in a loop.
for k = 1:900 filename = strcat('my_fig_',num2str(k)); h = figure; % figure handle plot(a,b); % your data...

11 years 前 | 0

Variable user inputs (ie test numbers) to be used in a function
_nargin_ will do. In your function, add conditions checking the number of input arguments (_nargin_). doc nargin wi...

11 years 前 | 0

What will happen if in imresize in the rows/columns is a floating point number.
Matlab will _round_the given values. In your case, 22.75 -> 23 imresize(IM, [22.75, 22.75], 'bilinear') %will be applied as...

11 years 前 | 0

A transfer function out of a complex function
substitute in your L function: exp(x) = 1 + x + (x^2)/4 % Taylor expansion Operate until you obtain your _num_ and _den...

11 years 前 | 1

Run pushbutton callback only 3 times, after that display warning message
in GUI initialization function: global times_pushed times_pushed = 0; in your callback function: global times_pu...

11 years 前 | 0

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Run pushbutton callback only 3 times, after that display warning message
Define a global variable and initialize to 0 within initialization function: global times_pushed times_pushed = 0; Wi...

11 years 前 | 0

I use matlab. I load a data(.dat) file and run my program on it and get results. I have 900 such data files and want to write a loop such that at the end I get results corresponding to all data files at once. Is there a way to do it?
To save workspace variables, use the command _save_. see "help save" for the details. To load the files in a loop, use a cell a...

11 years 前 | 1

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how to reduce the dimension of a feature space?
you may use _reshape_. help reshape

11 years 前 | 0

how to make a single command line
you can't do it. The closest you get is selecting all the lines you want to comment and then Ctrl+R. This will insert a "%" at t...

11 years 前 | 0

How to get inside components without loading reference model
you can't. You have to _load_system_ in order to access its components.

11 years 前 | 0

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What is the range of double??
A colour image has to be < height x width x 3 > uint8 matrix.

11 years 前 | 0

while running the following code i got an error as Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Try with a different compression method. You could avoid your error message using 'ezw' instead of 'spiht'. Give them a try.

11 years 前 | 0

What is the criterion of best fit in system identification toolbox?
It all depends on your system and on how much accuracy is required. Obviously, when the best fit is around 95%, your model would...

11 years 前 | 0

How to save image into a folder?
use either imsave or imwrite

11 years 前 | 0

How to handle imroi in gui?
You can use the following function to undo the last _n_ plotting operations: function undo_plot(h, n) % UNDO_PLOT Undo l...

11 years 前 | 0

How do I select different value of resistances depending on the control input.
An option is to create your own function with the switch-case statement switch control case 1 ...

11 years 前 | 0

When a Matlab function block running inside a simulink model gives an error, how can I find out which line the error occurred on?

11 years 前 | 0

Organize data as vector matrix and do calculation ?
a couple of changes: % you know the values from the start and no need of 3D matrix lightV = [.5 .4 .7]; [Az ...

11 years 前 | 0

what is the difference between sym2poly and coeffs?
_sym2poly_ is used when symbolic notation is used. Both return the coefficients of a polynomial. You can read the help of eac...

11 years 前 | 0

How to get unicode value of character image ?
You first has to recognize the character from the image. Later, _native2unicode()_ may be of help. help native2unicode

11 years 前 | 0

How can I Draw circles from matched points of stereo camera images.
once you have the coordinates of the circle's center (x,y), you can draw a circle of radius _r_ with the following: ang = 0...

11 years 前 | 0

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Error with plotting function, help please
It this the code you need/want? It works now, but since it is your code, I don't know whether it is what you really want. a...

11 years 前 | 0

Error with plotting function, help please
first things first. Your for loop should be written with a _(-1)_decrement in order to work. Instead of for j=200:3 wri...

11 years 前 | 0

Hi, how can I get the Mean Power Frequency (MPF) value from Power Spectrum graph?
Try the _mean()_ built-in function

11 years 前 | 0

Mathlab can not write data to serial port suddenly!
You may have created the serial object and are actually sending the signal to it, that is why no errors are returned. Make sure ...

11 years 前 | 0

How can I write any cell data into txt file as they appear.
you should follow the link above: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25387-write-cell-array-to-text-file/co...

11 years 前 | 0

Find centroid of two fifferent region of intrest in a color image and connect it using a line
Use _regionprops_ to retrieve data from the regions within your image. % example taken from _help_ _regionprops_ BW = imre...

11 years 前 | 0

can anybody help me with matlab coding+excel??
N_files = 30; for k = 1:N_files file_name = strcat('name',num2str(k)); file_name = strcat(file_name,'.xls'); ...

11 years 前 | 0

how to plot only one iteration in for loop?
for i = 1:3 C = B + A(1:end,i); if i==2 disp(C); end end

11 years 前 | 0
