How to obtain the line plots of 3 variables
try with _drawnow_ function ( see help drawnow )

11 years 前 | 0

How do I change the image displayed in the axes of a gui?
Your problem has been explained before, I hope the link helps you out: http://www.mathworks.de/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_...

11 years 前 | 0

how to read and process a folder of image?
Different choices: write the folder path as prefix in the image.jpg name ( C:\whatever\my_pictures ), so that your code is: ...

11 years 前 | 0

how to read and process a folder of image?
I don't know if I got it right or wrong, you should try to describe your problem clearer. The following image(imread('your...

11 years 前 | 0

How to delete particular row from struct array?
Hi, I think you are looking for this: s=rmfield(s,field) example of use: s.a=1; s.b=2; s.c=3; >> s ...

11 years 前 | 1

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converting .jpeg or matlab fig image to stl or cad format
Hi, follow the link: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/3642-cad2matdemo-m I think that's what you need.

11 years 前 | 0

Data and variable management
You should start thinking on either global or struct variables....or a global struct. For example: define a global variable by ...

11 years 前 | 0

How can I increase my output frequency
Sometimes it is not just a matter of coding, but the machine you use to perform the operation. Anyway, check out the following l...

11 years 前 | 0

How to insert already computed values in a uitable
Save the data of each set in an row of a previously created array, Then my_data_matrix = zeros(m,n); % where m are the ...

11 years 前 | 0

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Heat Pump Integration into house demo model
A radiator works the same way a wall does. Use "convective heat transfer", "conductive heat transfer" and "thermal mass" blocks....

11 years 前 | 0

why the nonlinear model of a small UAV cant give correct results when using a discret PID?
Hi, what do you mean by "it doesn't give results"? Does that mean the UAV becomes unstable or that the system crashes? If the ...

11 years 前 | 0

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while loop in matlab password GUI
Two things: first, you should create a variable (global) called attempts, this variable is initialize at the beginning, right af...

11 years 前 | 0

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while loop in matlab password GUI
Teja got it right, I think next code would be helpful ( it needs to be adapted to your GUI ) attempts = 0; % do not initial...

11 years 前 | 0

using the while command
try this code, but remember that we are not here to do your homework. N = input('Enter number N: '); n = 2; r = 2; ...

11 years 前 | 0

using the while command
Hello Francesca, firstly, why do you use "i" as a input variable? Since you use "i" as index within the for-loop, the input "i" ...

11 years 前 | 0

while loop in matlab password GUI
Hi, that's a bit awkward, with the code above, disp('a') only comes to work when attempt equals 3 ( if attempt == 3 ). I tested ...

11 years 前 | 0

while loop in matlab password GUI
Hi, since disp('a'); is outside the while loop, it will always be displayed. You can set a condition _if_ to display 'a' on...

11 years 前 | 0

How can I display all the answer from while looping?
Since you are using disp() outside the while loop, only after exiting the while-loop the disp() comes to play, displaying the la...

11 years 前 | 0

while loop in matlab password GUI
I hope following code is of help username1 = 'xxx'; password1 = 'yyy'; attemps = 0; while attemps < 4 u...

11 years 前 | 0

How can I substitute two variables into one (insert relation for parallel resistors)
I guess you are trying to use symbolic variables. You can try with Matlab's Symbolic Math toolbox -> MuPad. It is a much better...

11 years 前 | 0

How can I create(form) an image from a M by N matrix?
Try image command: a=[1 202 30;131 40 255;0 100 250]; image(a) Help image will tell you more about its use

11 years 前 | 0

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Which algorithm performs random shuffling of data in Matlab (randperm function)?
Try this out: data = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]; % your data rand_pos = randperm(length(data)); %array of random positions %...

11 years 前 | 1

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How can I use ''Rect'' function in matlab?
You need to define that rect function of yours. Write a rect.m file similiar to this function output = rect(input) %...

11 years 前 | 0

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how to read data from virtual com ports?
To get some clues, type >> help serial Virtual serial ports (USB-serial adapted?) work the same way as native serial ports, he...

11 years 前 | 0