Asad (Mehrzad) Khoddam
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Add a diagonal of zeros to a matrix in MATLAB
You can use a loop like this: M1 = [ 1 2 3 4 2 5 4 2 3 4 5 1 4 2 1 2 ]; N=size(M1,1); M2=ze...
Add a diagonal of zeros to a matrix in MATLAB
You can use a loop like this: M1 = [ 1 2 3 4 2 5 4 2 3 4 5 1 4 2 1 2 ]; N=size(M1,1); M2=ze...
4 years 前 | 2
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why my Matlab calculate a simple code so solw?
When you use this command: two = 1 + 1 The program should display the results and it takes time to transfer data to graphic ca...
why my Matlab calculate a simple code so solw?
When you use this command: two = 1 + 1 The program should display the results and it takes time to transfer data to graphic ca...
4 years 前 | 0
vector input to wrldmagm
The function only accepts scalar values not vectors. You may use a loop to extract the magnetic field for every element of your ...
vector input to wrldmagm
The function only accepts scalar values not vectors. You may use a loop to extract the magnetic field for every element of your ...
4 years 前 | 0
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Renaming output files so as not to overwrite when name is duplicated
You can use some code like this: filename = '202004'; n=0; if ~isempty(dir(filename)) for n=1:1000 newFile = fp...
Renaming output files so as not to overwrite when name is duplicated
You can use some code like this: filename = '202004'; n=0; if ~isempty(dir(filename)) for n=1:1000 newFile = fp...
4 years 前 | 0
Newton Raphson Method in a for loop
Newton method is originally for root finding. If you want to use it for optimization, the derivative of the function should be z...
Newton Raphson Method in a for loop
Newton method is originally for root finding. If you want to use it for optimization, the derivative of the function should be z...
4 years 前 | 0
Generate a general Matlab code
There are3 steps: 1- Shifting the (x0, y0) to the origin 2- Rotation about the new origin 3- Shifting back to the actual aori...
Generate a general Matlab code
There are3 steps: 1- Shifting the (x0, y0) to the origin 2- Rotation about the new origin 3- Shifting back to the actual aori...
4 years 前 | 0
"Error using plot, Value not a numeric scalar"
it should be y1(i), y2(i). or y3(i)
"Error using plot, Value not a numeric scalar"
it should be y1(i), y2(i). or y3(i)
4 years 前 | 0
Plot a vector field from a matrix
You can use a scale like this: N=100; theta=2*pi*rand(N,N); % random for this example only [X,Y]=meshgrid(1:N,1:N); U=cos(...
Plot a vector field from a matrix
You can use a scale like this: N=100; theta=2*pi*rand(N,N); % random for this example only [X,Y]=meshgrid(1:N,1:N); U=cos(...
4 years 前 | 0
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How can I modify this code so it gives the value 0 for c. It should only provide ax^2+bx
%x=[0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5]; %y=[0 -5.27 -8.10 -8.46 -6.38 -1.84 5.15 14.59 26.48 40.83 57.63]; function [coefficients...
How can I modify this code so it gives the value 0 for c. It should only provide ax^2+bx
%x=[0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5]; %y=[0 -5.27 -8.10 -8.46 -6.38 -1.84 5.15 14.59 26.48 40.83 57.63]; function [coefficients...
4 years 前 | 1
Determining if the columns of a matrix are orthogonal
Regarding the case i==j, you can start j from numbers greather than i: A = magic(4) orth = 1; for i = 1:n for j = i+1:n...
Determining if the columns of a matrix are orthogonal
Regarding the case i==j, you can start j from numbers greather than i: A = magic(4) orth = 1; for i = 1:n for j = i+1:n...
4 years 前 | 0
How to convert number to string with fixed length?
You can use sprintf s=sprintf('%05d',124); disp(s); %05d means that you have leading zeros and the total length 0f 5
How to convert number to string with fixed length?
You can use sprintf s=sprintf('%05d',124); disp(s); %05d means that you have leading zeros and the total length 0f 5
4 years 前 | 1
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Find angle of rotation matrix in MATLAB
I = [11755 0 4821; 0 15000 0; 4821 0 23245]; Iwant = [10000 0 0; 0 15000 0; 0 0 25000]; t = 0; i=1; tList = 0:.02:3.14; dLi...
Find angle of rotation matrix in MATLAB
I = [11755 0 4821; 0 15000 0; 4821 0 23245]; Iwant = [10000 0 0; 0 15000 0; 0 0 25000]; t = 0; i=1; tList = 0:.02:3.14; dLi...
4 years 前 | 0
Why do I keep getting this error message? Error using ./ Matrix dimensions must agree.
if you want to solve the equations, use this: x=A\y;
Why do I keep getting this error message? Error using ./ Matrix dimensions must agree.
if you want to solve the equations, use this: x=A\y;
4 years 前 | 0
what is the function used to give parabolic load on the free end of the cantilever beam
The q value (shear stress) is equal to Then you need to inegrate from for example -3 to 3 , 3 to 9 to find P value
what is the function used to give parabolic load on the free end of the cantilever beam
The q value (shear stress) is equal to Then you need to inegrate from for example -3 to 3 , 3 to 9 to find P value
4 years 前 | 0
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Three exponential fit with curve fitting toolbox
In the toolbox, there is an option to define a custom model. https://www.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/custom-nonlinear-models.ht...
Three exponential fit with curve fitting toolbox
In the toolbox, there is an option to define a custom model. https://www.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/custom-nonlinear-models.ht...
4 years 前 | 0
Error using fprintf Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. Function help
Because E is a numeric variable, it conot be used directly in your case. Use E with some formatting: fprintf('%g\n',E)
Error using fprintf Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. Function help
Because E is a numeric variable, it conot be used directly in your case. Use E with some formatting: fprintf('%g\n',E)
4 years 前 | 0
How do I write a number and Letter in the same line?
You can use: fprintf('grade=%f, %s\n',n, grade);
How do I write a number and Letter in the same line?
You can use: fprintf('grade=%f, %s\n',n, grade);
4 years 前 | 0
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finite element method with matrix error
Can you show the values of the nodes and elements data?
finite element method with matrix error
Can you show the values of the nodes and elements data?
4 years 前 | 0
Seeking a little clarification on using sprintf with %d and formatSpec etc. to load similar *.MAT filenames that only differ in name by number.
you can use: sprintf('Band%dHz.mat', k*200);
Seeking a little clarification on using sprintf with %d and formatSpec etc. to load similar *.MAT filenames that only differ in name by number.
you can use: sprintf('Band%dHz.mat', k*200);
4 years 前 | 0
"SWITCH expression must be a scalar or a character vector".
Try to get 'Value' in the call back function: handles.patient = get(hObject,'Value');
"SWITCH expression must be a scalar or a character vector".
Try to get 'Value' in the call back function: handles.patient = get(hObject,'Value');
4 years 前 | 0
How can I make a variant submatrix?
You can use vectors to point to the indices of matrix A, For example: A(1:10, 1:10); % the first one A(11:20, 1:10) % second ...
How can I make a variant submatrix?
You can use vectors to point to the indices of matrix A, For example: A(1:10, 1:10); % the first one A(11:20, 1:10) % second ...
4 years 前 | 0
Saving Multiples Variable of a function
If you want to use the variables in the other function, use this command in both functions: global dZ3 dW3 db3 dZ2 dW2 db2 dZ1 ...
Saving Multiples Variable of a function
If you want to use the variables in the other function, use this command in both functions: global dZ3 dW3 db3 dZ2 dW2 db2 dZ1 ...
4 years 前 | 0
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2-D Truss Analysis
One t was missing in UniVctor: %.... Input problem data nNodesP = 12; nMembersP = 21; NodeP = zeros(nNodesP, 3); %Initializ...
2-D Truss Analysis
One t was missing in UniVctor: %.... Input problem data nNodesP = 12; nMembersP = 21; NodeP = zeros(nNodesP, 3); %Initializ...
4 years 前 | 0
Bisection method help.
function x = Bisection(a, b, Nmax, TOL) f=@(x) x.*x.*x-2; i=1; ya = f(a); while i <= Nmax m=(a+b)/2; ym=f(m); ...
Bisection method help.
function x = Bisection(a, b, Nmax, TOL) f=@(x) x.*x.*x-2; i=1; ya = f(a); while i <= Nmax m=(a+b)/2; ym=f(m); ...
4 years 前 | 0
Converting for loop to while loop
for i =1:5 j=1; k=1; while j<=5-i fprintf(' '); j = j+1; end while k<=i fpri...
Converting for loop to while loop
for i =1:5 j=1; k=1; while j<=5-i fprintf(' '); j = j+1; end while k<=i fpri...
4 years 前 | 1
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How to draw a curly brace outside the gca?
Use negative ccordinates for the brace byt xlim from 0 drawbrace([-0.5,3], [-0.5,8], 10); xlim([0,Inf]);
How to draw a curly brace outside the gca?
Use negative ccordinates for the brace byt xlim from 0 drawbrace([-0.5,3], [-0.5,8], 10); xlim([0,Inf]);
4 years 前 | 0
A recursive matrix sum
You function is not recursive function total=ff(l) lp=l(:); if numel(l) == 1 total = l(1); else total = lp(end) + ...
A recursive matrix sum
You function is not recursive function total=ff(l) lp=l(:); if numel(l) == 1 total = l(1); else total = lp(end) + ...
4 years 前 | 0
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Adding a line to my plot3 of a plane
Two lines should be fixed: 1- coordinates of end points of the line 2- Using plot3 %Position vector p1 = [200; -107; 0] %%or...
Adding a line to my plot3 of a plane
Two lines should be fixed: 1- coordinates of end points of the line 2- Using plot3 %Position vector p1 = [200; -107; 0] %%or...
4 years 前 | 0