How to iterate an equation to solve for missing variable
So there are a couple problems here: 1) the for loop can't start at zero so change to for i = 1:length(theta) solves that 2) ...
How to iterate an equation to solve for missing variable
So there are a couple problems here: 1) the for loop can't start at zero so change to for i = 1:length(theta) solves that 2) ...
4 years 前 | 0
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How to randomly change a digit in a string
string1 = '00101'; digit_change = randi(length(string1)); digit_val = str2num(string1(digit_change)); digit_new = num2str(~di...
How to randomly change a digit in a string
string1 = '00101'; digit_change = randi(length(string1)); digit_val = str2num(string1(digit_change)); digit_new = num2str(~di...
4 years 前 | 0
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Invalid use of operator in for loop
theta0 = tand(v0y/v0x) while theta0 > 90 || theta0 < 0 % where the '>' gives an error message end Changin...
Invalid use of operator in for loop
theta0 = tand(v0y/v0x) while theta0 > 90 || theta0 < 0 % where the '>' gives an error message end Changin...
4 years 前 | 0
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MATLAB interrupting the algorithm by timer
clear;clc timerval = tic; while 1 endval = toc(timerval); if endval>=3 break end end %tic/toc are b...
MATLAB interrupting the algorithm by timer
clear;clc timerval = tic; while 1 endval = toc(timerval); if endval>=3 break end end %tic/toc are b...
4 years 前 | 0
why wont text scan read all rows?
fileID = fopen('car_data.txt'); fmt=[repmat('%q',1,8) '%s %*[^\n]']; %have to have %*[^\n] to ignore the rest of that row which...
why wont text scan read all rows?
fileID = fopen('car_data.txt'); fmt=[repmat('%q',1,8) '%s %*[^\n]']; %have to have %*[^\n] to ignore the rest of that row which...
4 years 前 | 0
Repeat input prompts until conditions are met or until prompts asked 3 times
%%%No matter what, your issue of " it simply takes the values given even if they are wrong." is going to occur since MATLAB is %...
Repeat input prompts until conditions are met or until prompts asked 3 times
%%%No matter what, your issue of " it simply takes the values given even if they are wrong." is going to occur since MATLAB is %...
4 years 前 | 0
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Help with my matlab function.
type_of_metal_BD = questdlg('prompt question i.e. Type of metal for BD?','Title of prompt','bronze', 'aluminum', 'steel','steel'...
Help with my matlab function.
type_of_metal_BD = questdlg('prompt question i.e. Type of metal for BD?','Title of prompt','bronze', 'aluminum', 'steel','steel'...
4 years 前 | 0