dot indexing not supported by variable of this type
Your variable const is a global one. First of all, use of global variables is widely not reccomended, read this article for more...

4 years 前 | 0

How to calculate cputime in matlab?
Read this MATLAB documentation : Measure the Performance of Your Code

4 years 前 | 0

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3D graphic plot
You can look for the surface handle in the axis children. % Get current axe handle hAxe = gca; % Look for surface handle v...

4 years 前 | 0

How to store various data types in a nested cell structure?
Why not use a structure array with fields id, type, ptCloud, segmentsArray and size ? myStruc(1) = struct('id', 1, 'type', 'tre...

4 years 前 | 1

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Import multiple files and plot data.
Here is the mistake for fileNum = 1:numFiles fileName = sprintf('run_%02d',fileNum); myData{fileNum} = importfile("D:...

4 years 前 | 0

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Simulink slower to compile when 'SrcWorkspace' set to 'current' (call to sim a function)
I received a rather heavy model (.slx ~57Mo, 40k parameters and signals) from a client, and I need to run it several times for t...

4 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0



How to delete empty rows from string arrays contained in a cell array?
% Logical array, true when element in cell is empty vb = cellfun(@isempty, MyCell) % Remove empty element MyCell = MyCell(~...

4 years 前 | 1

Calling a Function with multiple outputs
You should call you function this way : for t=1:50 for i=1:50 [lamdaT(i,t), lamdaW(i,t), lamdaO(i,t)] = mobility_...

4 years 前 | 0

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How can I call external functions in different paths within App Designer
You should use relative path instead of absolute one, especially if you make your app standalone. For instance, you can get par...

4 years 前 | 0

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ploting a function handle
You are trying to subtract a variable with a function handle Pr_dBm =@(f)( TXPower - PL_dB); You should evaluate the function....

4 years 前 | 0

How to read some data from a text file
Here one way to do this : % File path FilePath = fullfile(pwd, 'MyFile.txt'); % Open the file FileID = fopen(FilePath, 'r'...

4 years 前 | 1

On MATLab app designer, how can i get an editfield text as a variable?
If you want to evaluate an expression in a string, check for eval or evalin functions. For instance : x = [1 2]; str = 'x(1)^...

4 years 前 | 0

Finding multiple mean values of matric
You can use reshape, then mean function. M_1 = M(:,4) M_2 = reshape(M, 50, 160) % 160 = 8000/50 M_3 = mean(M_2,1)

4 years 前 | 0

Is it possible to do this without a loop
% The cos function operates element-wise on arrays v2 = cos((1:100)*pi/8);

4 years 前 | 0

Variable step time with series of simulations in simulink - Plotting Difficulties
You can interpolate your results with interp1 function or a griddedInterpolant object. This way, you'll always have the same poi...

4 years 前 | 0

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Create array with average values
You can reshape you 1D array to get sensor in rows and time in columns. Data = reshape(Data, 12, 40) and then apply mean func...

4 years 前 | 0

Binarize a metrix with some threshold
You can use the 2nd output of sort function. The code bellow should do what you want. % Random matrix M = randi([0, 1000], 5)...

4 years 前 | 0

Package and class folders are not supported in app designer?
You can create a class folder @MyApp with the file MyApp.mlapp as constructor. Then you can create methods in separate files.

4 years 前 | 0

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Create function handle from function file
Is it possible to create a function handle from function file ? In other words, create a function_handle object @foo from file f...

4 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0




Change order of custom menu (context menu) in Simulink
I successfully created a custom context menu in Simulink using sl_customization function. However, each custom menu is added at ...

4 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0

