Cadence Virtuoso ADE - MATLAB Integration Option
Accelerate processing of large data sets when verifying custom, RF, and mixed-signal designs
- Create and import circuit performance measurements using MATLAB®
- All ADE simulation data is exposed to MATLAB for high-performance data mining
- Perform data transfers easily between ADE and MATLAB, with no translations needed
- Reuse existing MATLAB scripts and other developed measurements with ADE
Designed to help users create manufacturing-robust designs, the Cadence® Virtuoso® Analog Design Environment (ADE) is the advanced design and simulation environment for the Virtuoso platform. It gives designers access to a new parasitic estimation and comparison flow as well as optimization algorithms that help to center designs better for yield improvement and advanced matching and sensitivity analyses. By supporting extensive exploration of multiple designs against their objective specifications, the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment sets the standard in fast and accurate design verification.
With the MATLAB Integration Option, MATLAB expressions can be developed and imported into the Virtuoso ADE Product Suite directly. Once the simulation is completed, these expressions are automatically evaluated and the data is displayed inside the ADE data view. Users can also open up a MATLAB window from within ADE. Reference pointers are created so that data can be further analyzed and visualized inside MATLAB, allowing for data mining and efficient analysis in either platform.
MATLAB scripts can be used after simulation to process data that is extremely large. The script processing provides a significant speed up, particularly during the post-simulation phase when the databases can be gigabytes in size.
For more information, you can view a demonstration highlighting the advantages of Extending the Power of MATLAB Inside the Virtuoso ADE Suite. Additionally, a Rapid Adoption Kit is available for download on the Cadence support web site at

Cadence Design Systems, Inc
2655 Seely Avenue
San Jose, CA 95134
Tel: 408-943-1234
Fax: 408-943-0513
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- Semiconductor
Related Connections Views: Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Industrial Automation and Machinery, Modeling and Simulation Tools, Semiconductor, System Modeling and Simulation