Video length is 31:03

Utilization of Simulink Verification and Validation and Simulink Design Verifier for HVAC Controls Software

Dr. Arun Chakrapani Rao, General Motors Technical Center India Pvt. Ltd.
Mohan Murugesan, General Motors Technical Center India Pvt. Ltd.

This presentation introduces Simulink Verification and Validation™ and Simulink Design Verifier™. It highlights advanced verification and validation techniques (involving structural coverage analysis and formal methods) for testing various components within the HVAC Controls Software Readiness and Core Engineering groups. This session also summarizes some of General Motors Company’s results, the benefits already obtained, those we hope to achieve in the long run, and some of the challenges that confront us.

Note: Simulink Verification and Validation transitioned to Simulink Check, Simulink Coverage, and Requirements Toolbox in R2017b.

Recorded: 20 Mar 2013