To set up verification of multiple tasks or threads that run concurrently, use the multitasking options. Polyspace® can automatically detect and interpret certain families of multitasking functions. Unless you use these functions, you must explicitly specify which functions in your code indicate entry points, cyclic tasks, or interrupts. You must also specify the protection mechanisms for shared variables. Bug Finder uses these specifications to detect data races, deadlocks, double locks, and other concurrency issues.
Polyspace Options
- Specify Polyspace Analysis Options
Specify Polyspace analysis options in Polyspace user interface, other IDE-s or scripts.
- Analyze Multitasking Programs in Polyspace
Detect data races or deadlocks with Bug Finder, or see a comprehensive analysis of shared variable usage with Code Prover.
- Protections for Shared Variables in Multitasking Code
Protect shared variables by using critical section, temporal exclusion, priorities, or interrupt disabling.