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Generate Simulink model that contains deep learning layer blocks that correspond to deep learning layer objects

Since R2024b


    mdlInfo = exportNetworkToSimulink(net) creates a Simulink® model for a trained dlnetwork object, net. The model uses a fixed-step solver and contains deep learning layer blocks that correspond to layers in the network. The function returns a structure that contains information about the generated model.

    For a list of deep learning layer blocks, see List of Deep Learning Layer Blocks. If the network contains a layer that does not have a corresponding deep learning layer block, the function generates a placeholder subsystem that contains a Stop Simulation (Simulink) block. You can manually replace the Stop Simulation block with an implementation of the layer.

    Input Arguments

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    Trained deep learning network to export as a Simulink model, specified as a dlnetwork object.

    Data Types: dlnetwork

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: exportNetworkToSimulink(myNetwork,ModelName="myExportedModel")

    Name of the generated Simulink model, specified as a character vector or string.

    Data Types: char | string

    Folder path for saving the generated model, specified as a character vector or string. If you do not specify ModelPath, the function saves the model to the current working directory.

    Data Types: char | string

    Data type for generated inports, specified as a character vector or string. The value must correspond to a data type that is supported as the input type of an Inport block, such as 'uint8', 'single', or 'Inherit: auto'. Other blocks in the generated model inherit the input type from the Inport blocks.

    If you do not specify InputDataType, the generated inports use the value 'Inherit: auto'.

    Data Types: char | string

    Flag to expand layer blocks to the top level of the generated model without wrapping the blocks in a subsystem, specified as a boolean.

    Data Types: logical

    Flag to open the model after generating it, specified as a boolean.

    Data Types: logical

    Sample time to use for the generated model, specified as a character vector or string. To use an inherited sample time, use a character vector or string of the form 'Ts' or '[Ts 0]', where Ts is the sample time. For more information, see Specify Sample Time (Simulink).

    Data Types: char | string

    Flag to use stateful prediction, specified as a boolean. If you specify false, the generated model uses stateless prediction. If you do not specify Stateful and the input network contains a stateful layer, the generated model uses stateful prediction by default.

    Data Types: logical

    Flag to use frame-based processing for sequence networks, specified as a boolean.

    If you specify false, the generated model uses sample-based processing. The model assumes that the input data uses Simulink step time to represent the frame rate.

    If you specify true, the generated model uses frame-based processing. The model sets the time (T) dimension of the inport to the value of the MinLength property of the sequenceInputLayer object in the sequence network.

    For more information about sample- and frame-based processing, see Sample- and Frame-Based Concepts (DSP System Toolbox).

    Data Types: logical

    Flag to save the input network in the workspace of the generated model, specified as a boolean.

    Data Types: logical

    Output Arguments

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    Information about the generated model, returned as a structure. This table describes the fields of the structure.

    ModelNameName of the generated model, returned as a character vector.
    NetworkNameName of the network in the generated model workspace, returned as a character vector.
    ModelPathFull file path of the generated model, returned as a character vector.
    InputDataTypeInput data type of the generated model, returned as a character vector.
    BlockParametersParameters of blocks in the generated model, returned as a structure array. Each structure in the array contains a field for each parameter of a block.
    BlockConnectionsConnections between blocks in the generated model, returned as a table. The table contains the variables Source and Destination. Each row in the table represents the source and destination blocks of a connection in the generated model.
    NumInportsThe number of inports in the generated model, returned as a scalar.
    NumOutportsThe number of outports in the generated model, returned as a scalar.
    SampleTimeThe sample time of the generated model, returned as a character vector.
    StatefulType of prediction that the model uses, either stateless or stateful, returned as a boolean.
    FrameBasedType of processing that the model uses, either frame-based or sample-based, returned as a boolean.


    • The exportNetworkToSimulink function supports only networks that have one input and one output.

    • Because deep learning layer blocks do not support the batch (B) dimension, the exportNetworkToSimulink function ignores batch dimensions in layer objects and produces models that assume only one observation.

    • The function supports only a limited set of layer objects and does not support certain property values for certain layer objects. For a list of supported layer objects and unsupported property values, see List of Deep Learning Layer Blocks.

      • If the input network contains a layer object that does not have a corresponding layer block, the function generates a placeholder subsystem that contains a Stop Simulation (Simulink) block. You can manually replace the Stop Simulation block with an implementation of the layer. For more information, see Implement Unsupported Deep Learning Layer Blocks.

      • If the input network contains a layer object that has a corresponding layer block but the object uses a property value that the block does not support, the function either throws an error or substitutes a different value. For specific behaviors, see List of Deep Learning Layer Blocks or each layer block reference page. To change the value of a layer object property to a supported value, use the Deep Network Designer app.


    • Because the generated model references the input network, you can update the weights that the model uses by retraining the network without re-exporting to Simulink.

    • To export a SeriesNetwork or DAGNetwork object to Simulink, use the dag2dlnetwork function to convert the object to a dlnetwork object and pass that converted object to the exportNetworkToSimulink function.

    • For networks that contain ProjectedLayer objects, use the unpackProjectedLayers function.

    • For networks that contain networkLayer objects, use the expandLayers function.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b