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Convert local Cartesian coordinates to geographic coordinates

Since R2020a


[lat,lon,alt] = local2latlon(xEast,yNorth,zUp,origin) converts point locations given by xEast, yNorth, and zUp from local Cartesian coordinates to geographic coordinates returned as lat, lon, and alt. origin specifies the anchor of the local coordinate system as a three-element vector of the form [latOrigin,lonOrigin,altOrigin]. Local coordinates xEast, yNorth, and zUp align with the east, north, and up directions, respectively. alt and altOrigin are altitudes as typically returned by GPS sensors.



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Establish an anchor point in the geographic coordinate system. These latitude and longitude coordinates specify Boston, MA.

origin = [42.3648, -71.0214, 10.0];

Generate local route in Cartesian coordinates, x, y, and z.

z = zeros(1,101);    % maintain height of 0 m
x = 0:1000:100000;   % 100 km in 1 km increments
y = x;               % move 100 km northeast

Convert the local route coordinates to geographic coordinates, latitude and longitude.

[lat,lon] = local2latlon(x,y,z,origin);

Visualize the route on a map.

zoomLevel = 12;
player = geoplayer(lat(1),lon(1),zoomLevel);

Input Arguments

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x-coordinates in the local Cartesian coordinate system, specified as a numeric scalar or vector, in meters.

Example: -2.7119

Data Types: single | double

y-coordinates in the local Cartesian coordinate system, specified as a numeric scalar or vector, in meters.

Example: -7.0681

Data Types: single | double

z-coordinates in the local Cartesian coordinate system, specified as a numeric scalar or vector, in meters.

Example: -0.2569

Data Types: single | double

Anchor of local coordinate system, specified as a three-element vector of the form [latOrigin,lonOrigin,altOrigin].

Example: [42.3648 -71.0214 10]

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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Latitude, in degrees, returned as a numeric scalar or vector.

lat is the same class as xEast. However, if any of the input arguments is of class single, then lat is of class single.

Longitude, in degrees, returned as a numeric scalar or vector.

lon is the same class as yNorth. However, if any of the input arguments is of class single, then lon is of class single.

Altitude, in meters, returned as a numeric scalar or vector, the same class as zUp.

alt is the same class as zUp. However, if any of the input arguments is of class single, then alt is of class single.


  • The latitude and longitude of the geographic coordinate system use the WGS84 standard that is commonly used by GPS receivers.

  • This function defines altitude as the height, in meters, above the WGS84 reference ellipsoid.

  • Some GPS receivers use standards other than WGS84. Conversions using other ellipsoids are available in the Mapping Toolbox. This function addresses the most common conversion between geographic locations and Cartesian coordinates used by the on-board sensors of a vehicle.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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