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Code Generation for ARM Cortex-M and ARM Cortex-A Processors

Generate C code optimized for ARM® Cortex®-M and ARM Cortex-A processors

The DSP System Toolbox™ supports optimized C code generation for popular algorithms like FIR filtering and FFT on ARM Cortex-M and ARM Cortex-A processors. To generate this optimized code, you must install the Embedded Coder® Support Package for ARM Cortex-M Processors or Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-A Processors. In addition, you must have the following products: DSP System Toolbox, MATLAB® Coder™, Embedded Coder, Simulink® and Simulink Coder for Simulink based workflows.

Using these Embedded Coder support packages, you can generate C code that can link with the CMSIS library or calls the Ne10 library functions. This generated code can be compiled to provide optimized executables that run on ARM Cortex-M or ARM Cortex-A processors.

You can also port the generated ARM Cortex-M CRL code from MATLAB to KEIL μVision IDE and IAR Embedded Workbench. For details, see Port the Generated ARM Cortex-M CRL Code from MATLAB to KEIL μVision IDE and Port the Generated ARM Cortex-M CRL Code from MATLAB to IAR Embedded Workbench.

To download the Embedded Coder support packages for the ARM Cortex processors, see

To obtain more information on the support packages and instructions on downloading them, see ARM Cortex-M Processors (Embedded Coder) and ARM Cortex-A Processors (Embedded Coder).


ARM Cortex-M Processors

ARM Cortex-A Processors

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