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Bandstop filter design specification object


The fdesign.bandstop function returns a bandstop filter design specification object that contains the specifications for a filter, such as passband frequency, stopband frequency, passband ripple, and filter order. Then, use the design function to design the filter from the filter design specifications object.

For more control options, see Filter Design Procedure. For a complete workflow, see Design a Filter in Fdesign — Process Overview.

bandstopSpecs = fdesign.bandstop constructs a bandstop filter design specifications object with the following default values:

  • First passband frequency set to 0.35.

  • First stopband frequency set to 0.45.

  • Second stopband frequency set to 0.55.

  • Second passband frequency set to 0.65.

  • First passband ripple 1 dB.

  • Stopband attenuation set to 60 dB.

  • Second passband ripple set to 1 dB.


bandstopSpecs = fdesign.bandstop(spec,value1,...,valueN) constructs a bandstop filter design specifications object with a particular filter order, passband frequencies, stopband frequencies, and other specification options. Indicate the options you want to specify in the expression spec. After the expression, specify a value for each option. If you do not specify values after the spec argument, the function assumes the default values.


bandstopSpecs = fdesign.bandstop(___,Fs) provides the sample rate of the signal to be filtered, in Hz. Fs must be specified as a scalar trailing the other numerical values provided. In this case, all frequencies in the specifications are in Hz as well.

The design specification fdesign.bandstop('Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2',.4,.5,.6,.7,1,80,.5) designs the same filter as fdesign.bandstop('Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2',1600,2000,2400,2800,1,80,0.5,8000)

bandstopSpecs = fdesign.bandstop(___,magunits) provides the units for any magnitude specification given. magunits can be one of the following: 'linear', 'dB', or 'squared'. If this argument is omitted, 'dB' is assumed. The magnitude specifications are always converted and stored in dB regardless of how they were specified. If Fs is provided, magunits must follow Fs in the input argument list.


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Design a constrained-band FIR equiripple filter of order 60 with a stopband of [12.8 22.4] kHz. Both passband ripple values are constrained to 1 dB. The sample rate is 64 kHz.

Create a bandstop filter design specification object using the fdesign.bandstop function and specify these design parameters.

bandstopSpecs = fdesign.bandstop('N,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,C',60,9.6e3,12.8e3,22.4e3,25.6e3,64000);

Constrain the two passbands with a passband ripple of 1 dB.

bandstopSpecs.Passband1Constrained = true;
bandstopSpecs.Apass1 = 1;
bandstopSpecs.Passband2Constrained = true;
bandstopSpecs.Apass2 = 1;

Design the bandstop filter using the design function. The resulting filter is a dsp.Filter System object™. For details on how to apply this filter on streaming data, refer to dsp.FIRFilter.

bandstopFilt = design(bandstopSpecs,'Systemobject',true)
bandstopFilt = 
  dsp.FIRFilter with properties:

            Structure: 'Direct form'
      NumeratorSource: 'Property'
            Numerator: [-3.6116e-04 -0.0027 -3.1395e-04 -0.0033 0.0030 0.0030 -8.4856e-04 0.0017 -0.0084 -0.0016 0.0074 1.6989e-04 0.0108 -0.0089 -0.0162 0.0076 -0.0040 0.0238 0.0119 -0.0354 1.7761e-05 -0.0221 0.0187 0.0724 -0.0411 ... ] (1x61 double)
    InitialConditions: 0

  Use get to show all properties

Visualize the frequency response of the designed filter.


Measure the frequency response characteristics of the filter using measure.

ans = 
Sample Rate             : 64 kHz     
First Passband Edge     : 9.6 kHz    
First 3-dB Point        : 10.5255 kHz
First 6-dB Point        : 10.9058 kHz
First Stopband Edge     : 12.8 kHz   
Second Stopband Edge    : 22.4 kHz   
Second 6-dB Point       : 24.2866 kHz
Second 3-dB Point       : 24.6685 kHz
Second Passband Edge    : 25.6 kHz   
First Passband Ripple   : 0.11754 dB 
Stopband Atten.         : 69.3934 dB 
Second Passband Ripple  : 0.11761 dB 
First Transition Width  : 3.2 kHz    
Second Transition Width : 3.2 kHz    

Design a minimum order elliptic bandstop filter. The filter design procedure is:

  1. Specify the filter design specifications using a fdesign function.

  2. Pick a design method provided by the designmethods function.

  3. To determine the available design options to choose from, use the designoptions function.

  4. Design the filter using the design function.

Construct fdesign.bandstop in the default state and input the design specifications to the function.

bandstopSpecs = fdesign.bandstop(.3,.4,.6,.7,.5,60,1)
bandstopSpecs = 
  bandstop with properties:

               Response: 'Bandstop'
          Specification: 'Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2'
            Description: {7x1 cell}
    NormalizedFrequency: 1
                 Fpass1: 0.3000
                 Fstop1: 0.4000
                 Fstop2: 0.6000
                 Fpass2: 0.7000
                 Apass1: 0.5000
                  Astop: 60
                 Apass2: 1

Determine the available design methods using the designmethods function. To design an elliptic filter, pick ellip.

Design Methods that support System objects for class fdesign.bandstop (Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2):


When designing the filter, you can specify additional design options. View a list of options using the designoptions function. The function also shows the default design options the filter uses.

ans = struct with fields:
           FilterStructure: {'df1sos'  'df2sos'  'df1tsos'  'df2tsos'  'cascadeallpass'  'cascadewdfallpass'}
              SOSScaleNorm: 'ustring'
              SOSScaleOpts: 'fdopts.sosscaling'
              MatchExactly: {'passband'  'stopband'  'both'}
              SystemObject: 'bool'
    DefaultFilterStructure: 'df2sos'
       DefaultMatchExactly: 'both'
       DefaultSOSScaleNorm: ''
       DefaultSOSScaleOpts: [1x1 fdopts.sosscaling]
       DefaultSystemObject: 0

Use the design function to design the filter. Pass 'ellip' and the specifications given by the variable 'bandstopSpecs', as input arguments.

bsFilter = design(bandstopSpecs,'ellip',Systemobject=true)
bsFilter = 
  dsp.SOSFilter with properties:

            Structure: 'Direct form II'
    CoefficientSource: 'Property'
            Numerator: [5x3 double]
          Denominator: [5x3 double]
       HasScaleValues: true
          ScaleValues: [0.5324 0.5324 0.6221 0.6221 0.8855 1]

  Use get to show all properties

Visualize the frequency response of the designed filter.


Construct a bandstop filter to reject the discrete frequency band between 3π/8 and 5π/8 rad/sample. With a sampling frequency of 48 kHz, these values translate to a frequency range of [9 15] kHz. Apply the filter to a discrete-time signal consisting of the superposition of three discrete-time sinusoids.

The filter is designed by first creating a bandstop filter design specifications object, and then passing the object as an input to the design function.

Design Bandstop Filter

Create a bandstop filter design specifications object using fdesign.bandstop.

bandstopSpecs = fdesign.bandstop(1/4,3/8,5/8,6/8,1,60,1)
bandstopSpecs = 
  bandstop with properties:

               Response: 'Bandstop'
          Specification: 'Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2'
            Description: {7x1 cell}
    NormalizedFrequency: 1
                 Fpass1: 0.2500
                 Fstop1: 0.3750
                 Fstop2: 0.6250
                 Fpass2: 0.7500
                 Apass1: 1
                  Astop: 60
                 Apass2: 1

List the available design methods for this object.

Design Methods for class fdesign.bandstop (Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2):


To design an equiripple filter, pick 'equiripple'.

bsFilter = design(bandstopSpecs,'equiripple',Systemobject=true)
bsFilter = 
  dsp.FIRFilter with properties:

            Structure: 'Direct form'
      NumeratorSource: 'Property'
            Numerator: [0.0054 -1.9744e-15 0.0202 -3.1206e-15 0.0064 -4.0688e-15 -0.0306 -3.6307e-15 0.0093 -3.3427e-15 0.0553 -2.7846e-15 -0.0624 -2.8386e-15 -0.0791 -2.9286e-15 0.3014 -2.7365e-15 0.5890 -2.7365e-15 0.3014 -2.9286e-15 ... ] (1x37 double)
    InitialConditions: 0

  Use get to show all properties

Visualize the frequency response of the designed filter.


Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Phase, xlabel Frequency (kHz), ylabel Phase (degrees) contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title Magnitude, xlabel Frequency (kHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains an object of type line.

Create Sinusoidal Signal

Create a signal that is a sum of three sinusoids with frequencies at 1 kHz, 12 kHz, and 16 kHz. Initialize Spectrum Analyzer to view the original signal and the filtered signal.

Sine1 = dsp.SineWave(Frequency=1e3,SampleRate=44.1e3,SamplesPerFrame=4000);
Sine2 = dsp.SineWave(Frequency=12e3,SampleRate=44.1e3,SamplesPerFrame=4000);
Sine3 = dsp.SineWave(Frequency=16e3,SampleRate=44.1e3,SamplesPerFrame=4000);

SpecAna = spectrumAnalyzer(PlotAsTwoSidedSpectrum=false, ...
    SampleRate=Sine1.SampleRate, ...
    ShowLegend=true, ...

SpecAna.ChannelNames = {'Original noisy signal','Filtered signal'};

Filter Sinusoidal Signal

Filter the sinusoidal signal using the bandstop filter that has been designed. View the original signal and the filtered signal in the Spectrum Analyzer. The tone at 1 kHz is unaffected. The tone at 12 kHz is filtered out and attenuated, and the tone at 16 kHz is mildly attenuated because it appears in the transition band of the filter.

for i = 1 : 10000
    x = Sine1()+Sine2()+Sine3();
    y = bsFilter(x);

Input Arguments

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Specification expression, specified as one of these character vectors:

  • 'Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2' (default)

  • 'N,F3dB1,F3dB2'

  • 'N,F3dB1,F3dB2,Ap' *

  • 'N,F3dB1,F3dB2,Ap,Ast' *

  • 'N,F3dB1,F3dB2,Ast' *

  • 'N,F3dB1,F3dB2,BWp' *

  • 'N,F3dB1,F3dB2,BWst' *

  • 'N,Fc1,Fc2'

  • 'N,Fc1,Fc2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2'

  • 'N,Fp1,Fp2,Ap'

  • 'N,Fp1,Fp2,Ap,Ast'

  • 'N,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2'

  • 'N,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,C' *

  • 'N,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap' *

  • 'N,Fst1,Fst2,Ast'

  • 'Nb,Na,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2' *

This table describes each option that can appear in the expression.

Specification optionDescription
ApAmount of ripple allowed in passband, specified as Apass in dB.
Ap1Amount of ripple allowed in the first passband, specified as Apass1 in dB.
Ap2Amount of ripple allowed in the second passband, specified as Apass2 in dB.
AstStopband attenuation (dB), specified using Astop.
BWpBandwidth of the filter passband, specified as BWpass in normalized frequency units.
BWstBandwidth of the filter stopband, specified as BWstop in normalized frequency units.
F3dB1Frequency of the 3 dB point below the passband value for the first cutoff, specified in normalized frequency units. Applies to IIR filters.
F3dB2Frequency of the 3 dB point below the passband value for the second cutoff, specified in normalized frequency units. Applies to IIR filters.
Fc1First cutoff frequency (normalized frequency units), specified using Fcutoff1. Applies to FIR filters.
Fc2Second cutoff frequency (normalized frequency units), specified using Fcutoff1. Applies to FIR filters.
Fp1Frequency at the start of the pass band, specified as Fpass1 in normalized frequency units.
Fp2Frequency at the end of the pass band, specified as Fpass2 in normalized frequency units.
Fst1Frequency at the end of the first stop band, specified as Fstop1 in normalized frequency units.
Fst2Frequency at the start of the second stop band, specified as Fstop2 in normalized frequency units.
NFilter order for FIR filters. Or both the numerator and denominator orders for IIR filters when Na and Nb are not provided. Specified using FilterOrder.
NbNumerator order for IIR filters, specified using the DenOrder property.
NaDenominator order for IIR filters, specified using the NumOrder property.

Constrained band flag. This enables you to specify passband ripple or stopband attenuation for fixed-order designs in one or two of the three bands.

In the specification 'N,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,C', you cannot specify constraints in both passbands and the stopband simultaneously. You can specify constraints in any one or two bands.

Graphically, the filter specifications look similar to those shown in the following figure.

Regions between specification values like Fp1 and Fst1 are transition regions where the filter response is not explicitly defined.

The design methods available for designing the filter depend on the specification expression. You can obtain these methods using the designmethods function. The table lists each specification expression supported by fdesign.bandstop and the corresponding design methods available.

Specification expressionSupported design methods
'Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2'butter, cheby1, cheby2, ellip, equiripple, kaiserwin
'N,F3dB1,F3dB2,Ast'cheby2, ellip
'N,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2'iirlpnorm, equiripple, firls

To design the filter, call the design function with one of these design methods as an input. You can choose the type of filter response by passing 'FIR' or 'IIR' to the design function. For more details, see design. Enter help(bandstopSpecs,'method') at the MATLAB® command line to obtain detailed help on the design options for a given design method, 'method'.

For more details on the procedure, see Filter Design Procedure. For an example, see Design Notch Filter.

Specification values, specified as a comma-separated list of values. Specify a value for each option in spec in the same order that the options appear in the expression.

Example: bandstopSpecs = fdesign.bandstop('N,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,C',n,fp1,fst1,fst2,fp2,c)

The arguments below describe more details for each option in the expression.

Filter order for FIR filters, specified as a positive integer. In the case of IIR filter design, if nb and na are not provided, this value is interpreted as both the numerator order and the denominator order.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Numerator order for IIR filters, specified as a nonnegative integer.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Denominator order for IIR filters, specified as a positive integer.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

This enables you to specify passband ripple or stopband attenuation for fixed-order designs in one or two of the three bands.

In the specification 'N,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,C', you cannot specify constraints for all three bands (two passbands and one stopband) simultaneously. You can specify constraints in any one or two bands.

Consider the following bandstop design specification where both the passbands are constrained to the default value, 1 dB.

Example: spec = fdesign.bandstop('N,Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,C',10,0.35,0.45,0.55,0.65); spec.Passband1Constrained=true; spec.Passband2Constrained=true;

Passband ripple, specified as a positive scalar in dB. If magunits is 'linear' or 'squared', the passband ripple is converted and stored in dB by the function regardless of how it has been specified.

The specified ap value applies to both the first passband and the second passband.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Amount of ripple allowed in the first passband, specified as a positive scalar in dB. If magunits is 'linear' or 'squared', the first passband ripple is converted and stored in dB by the function regardless of how it has been specified.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Amount of ripple allowed in the second passband, specified as a positive scalar in dB. If magunits is 'linear' or 'squared', the second passband ripple is converted and stored in dB by the function regardless of how it has been specified.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Stopband attenuation, specified as a positive scalar in dB. If magunits is 'linear' or 'squared', the stopband attenuation is converted and stored in dB by the function regardless of how it has been specified.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Bandwidth of the filter passband in normalized frequency units, specified as a positive scalar.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Bandwidth of the filter stopband in normalized frequency units, specified as a positive scalar less than F3dB2F3dB1.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

First 3 dB frequency, specified as positive scalar in normalized frequency units.

This is the frequency of the 3 dB point below the passband value for the first cutoff. Applies to IIR filters only.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Second 3 dB frequency, specified as positive scalar in normalized frequency units.

This is the frequency of the 3 dB point below the passband value for the second cutoff. Applies to IIR filters only.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

First cutoff frequency, specified as positive scalar in normalized frequency units.

Applies to FIR filters only.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Second cutoff frequency, specified as positive scalar in normalized frequency units.

Applies to FIR filters only.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

First stopband frequency, specified as positive scalar in normalized frequency units.

This is the frequency at the start of the stopband.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Second stopband frequency, specified as positive scalar in normalized frequency units.

This is the frequency at the end of the stopband.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

First passband frequency, specified as positive scalar in normalized frequency units.

This is the frequency at the end of the first passband.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Second passband frequency, specified as positive scalar in normalized frequency units.

This is the frequency at the start of the second passband.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Sample rate of the signal to be filtered, specified as a scalar in Hz. Specify the sample rate as a scalar trailing the other numerical values provided. When Fs is provided, Fs is assumed to be in Hz, as are all other frequency values provided. Note that you do not have to change the specification string.

The following design has the specification string set to 'Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2', and sample rate set to 8000 Hz.

bandstopSpecs = fdesign.bandstop('Fp1,Fst1,Fst2,Fp2,Ap1,Ast,Ap2',1600,2000,2400,2800,1,80,.5,8000); filt = design(bandstopSpecs,'Systemobject',true);

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Magnitude specification units, specified as 'dB', 'linear', or 'squared'. If this argument is omitted, 'dB' is assumed. Note that the magnitude specifications are always converted and stored in dB regardless of how they were specified. If Fs is one of the input arguments, magunits must be specified after Fs in the input argument list.

Output Arguments

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Bandstop filter design specification object, returned as a bandstop object. The fields of the object depend on the spec input character vector.

Consider an example where the spec argument is set to 'N,Fc1,Fc2', and the corresponding values are set to 10, 0.6, and 0.8, respectively. The bandstop filter design specification object is populated with the following fields:

Version History

Introduced in R2009a