Credit Quality Thresholds
An equivalent way to represent transition probabilities is by transforming them into credit quality thresholds. These are critical values of a standard normal distribution that yield the same transition probabilities.
An M
matrix of transition
probabilities TRANS
and the corresponding M
of credit quality thresholds THRESH
are related
as follows. The thresholds THRESH
are critical values of a standard normal distribution z,
such that
TRANS(i,N) = P[z < THRESH(i,N)], TRANS(i,j) = P[z < THRESH(i,j)] - P[z < THRESH(i,j+1)], for 1<=j<N
and transprobfromthresholds
.Compute Credit Quality Thresholds
To compute credit quality thresholds, transition probabilities are required as input. Here is a transition matrix estimated from credit ratings data:
load Data_TransProb
trans = transprob(data)
trans = 93.1170 5.8428 0.8232 0.1763 0.0376 0.0012 0.0001 0.0017 1.6166 93.1518 4.3632 0.6602 0.1626 0.0055 0.0004 0.0396 0.1237 2.9003 92.2197 4.0756 0.5365 0.0661 0.0028 0.0753 0.0236 0.2312 5.0059 90.1846 3.7979 0.4733 0.0642 0.2193 0.0216 0.1134 0.6357 5.7960 88.9866 3.4497 0.2919 0.7050 0.0010 0.0062 0.1081 0.8697 7.3366 86.7215 2.5169 2.4399 0.0002 0.0011 0.0120 0.2582 1.4294 4.2898 81.2927 12.7167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0000
Convert the transition matrix to credit quality thresholds using transprobtothresholds
thresh = transprobtothresholds(trans)
thresh = Inf -1.4846 -2.3115 -2.8523 -3.3480 -4.0083 -4.1276 -4.1413 Inf 2.1403 -1.6228 -2.3788 -2.8655 -3.3166 -3.3523 -3.3554 Inf 3.0264 1.8773 -1.6690 -2.4673 -2.9800 -3.1631 -3.1736 Inf 3.4963 2.8009 1.6201 -1.6897 -2.4291 -2.7663 -2.8490 Inf 3.5195 2.9999 2.4225 1.5089 -1.7010 -2.3275 -2.4547 Inf 4.2696 3.8015 3.0477 2.3320 1.3838 -1.6491 -1.9703 Inf 4.6241 4.2097 3.6472 2.7803 2.1199 1.5556 -1.1399 Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Conversely, given a matrix of thresholds, you can compute transition
probabilities using transprobfromthresholds
For example, take the thresholds computed previously as input to recover
the original transition probabilities:
trans1 = transprobfromthresholds(thresh)
trans1 = 93.1170 5.8428 0.8232 0.1763 0.0376 0.0012 0.0001 0.0017 1.6166 93.1518 4.3632 0.6602 0.1626 0.0055 0.0004 0.0396 0.1237 2.9003 92.2197 4.0756 0.5365 0.0661 0.0028 0.0753 0.0236 0.2312 5.0059 90.1846 3.7979 0.4733 0.0642 0.2193 0.0216 0.1134 0.6357 5.7960 88.9866 3.4497 0.2919 0.7050 0.0010 0.0062 0.1081 0.8697 7.3366 86.7215 2.5169 2.4399 0.0002 0.0011 0.0120 0.2582 1.4294 4.2898 81.2927 12.7167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0000
Visualize Credit Quality Thresholds
You can graphically represent the relationship between credit
quality thresholds and transition probabilities. Here, this example
shows the relationship for the 'CCC'
credit rating.
In the plot, the thresholds are marked by the vertical lines and the
transition probabilities are the area below the standard normal density
load Data_TransProb trans = transprob(data); thresh = transprobtothresholds(trans); xliml = -5; xlimr = 5; step = 0.1; x=xliml:step:xlimr; thresCCC = thresh(7,:); labels = {'AAA','AA','A','BBB','BB','B','CCC','D'}; centersX = ([5 thresCCC(2:end)]+[thresCCC(2:end) -5])*0.5; omag = round(log10(trans(7,:))); omag(omag>0)=omag(omag>0).^2; fs = 14+2*omag; figure plot(x,normpdf(x),'LineWidth',1.5) text(centersX(1),0.2,labels{1},'FontSize',fs(1),... 'HorizontalAlignment','center') for i=2:length(labels) val = thresCCC(i); line([val val],[0 0.4],'LineStyle',':') text(centersX(i),0.2,labels{i},'FontSize',fs(i),... 'HorizontalAlignment','center') end xlabel('Credit Quality Thresholds') ylabel('Probability Density Function') title('{\bf Visualization of Credit Quality Thresholds}') legend('Std Normal PDF','Location','S')
The second plot uses the cumulative distribution function (normcdf
) instead. The thresholds are represented by vertical lines.
The transition probabilities are given by the distance between horizontal
figure plot(x,normcdf(x),'m','LineWidth',1.5) text(centersX(1),0.2,labels{1},'FontSize',fs(1),... 'HorizontalAlignment','center') for i=2:length(labels) val = thresCCC(i); line([val val],[0 normcdf(val)],'LineStyle',':'); line([x(1) val],[normcdf(val) normcdf(val)],'LineStyle',':'); text(centersX(i),0.2,labels{i},'FontSize',fs(i),... 'HorizontalAlignment','center') end xlabel('Credit Quality Thresholds') ylabel('Cumulative Probability') title('{\bf Visualization of Credit Quality Thresholds}') legend('Std Normal CDF','Location','W')
See Also
| transprobprep
| transprobbytotals
| bootstrp
| transprobgrouptotals
| transprobtothresholds
| transprobfromthresholds
Related Topics
- Estimation of Transition Probabilities
- Credit Rating by Bagging Decision Trees
- Forecasting Corporate Default Rates