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Convert hexadecimal string to number using quantizer object


x = hex2num(q,h) converts hexadecimal character vector h to numeric matrix x.

The attributes of the numbers in x are specified by quantizer object q. When h is a cell array, hex2num returns x as a cell array of the same dimension containing numbers. For fixed-point hexadecimal representations, hex2num uses Two's Complement representation. For floating point, the representation is IEEE® Standard 754 style.

When there are fewer hexadecimal digits than needed to represent the number, the fixed-point conversion zero-fills on the left. Floating-point conversion zero-fills on the right.

hex2num and num2hex are inverses of one another, with the distinction that num2hex returns the hexadecimal representations in a column.


This function uses a quantizer object to convert a hexadecimal string to a number. To convert IEEE hexadecimal format to a double-precision number without using a quantizer object, use the MATLAB® hex2num function.


[x1,x2,…] = hex2num(q,h1,h2,…) converts hexadecimal representations h1,h2,… to numeric matrices x1,x2,….


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This example returns all the 4-bit fixed-point two's complement numbers in fractional form.

q = quantizer([4 3]);
h = ['7  3  F  B'
     '6  2  E  A'
     '5  1  D  9'
     '4  0  C  8'];
x = hex2num(q,h)
x = 4×4

    0.8750    0.3750   -0.1250   -0.6250
    0.7500    0.2500   -0.2500   -0.7500
    0.6250    0.1250   -0.3750   -0.8750
    0.5000         0   -0.5000   -1.0000

Input Arguments

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Input quantizer object, specified as a quantizer object.

Text representing hexadecimal numbers, specified as a character array.

Data Types: char

Text representing hexadecimal numbers, specified as a character array.

Data Types: char

Version History

Introduced before R2006a